Francis Duggan Poems

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Those Born To Altruism

Those born to altruism in any way not small
The gifts of love, kindness and compassion are the greatest gifts of all
To help those in need of helping they go out of their way
They are the unsung heroes of the Human World of today

To Be Flawed Is To Be Human

It is a human flaw to be cocky or to know of self doubt
Survival of self is what life is mostly about
And to survive one has to be selfish in some sort of a way
And selfishness is a human flaw as some do like to say

The Wonderful City Of Greater Geelong

It has inspired story and ballad and song
The wonderful City of greater Geelong
Where every boy who plays football clings to a great dream
Of one day playing with the Cats a great A F L team

Those Who Commit Crimes Against Children

Those who commit crimes against children will surely be made to pay
If the Law does not catch them then Karma will one day
Self esteem they do erode and self confidence destroy
In the mind of their young victim the innocent girl or boy.

The Fear Of Growing Frail And Old

It does not bother you if your life story will never be told
But yours is a genuine fear the fear of growing frail and old
In a nursing home condemned to spend your waking hours in a wheelchair
Unable to walk out in the morning air


There is an old saying called live and let live
And though it may be hard to forget one should try to forgive
Since the gift of forgiveness is a great gift indeed
For the antidote to the healing of the mind it does plant the seed

On Cyber Bullying

I firmly believe cyber bullying should be classified as a crime
It is a practice that has been going on for some time
All cyber bullies are cowardly they go beyond rude
And their behaviour does seem far more criminal than crude

My Heroes And Heroines

Broadminded in thinking and in their ways nothing small
My heroes and heroines believe on a fair go for all
Though not among the celebrated on their side of the town
You never do hear them put anyone down

They Are Not Dead

They are not dead though all others tell you they are since you meet and talk to them every day
They are no different to the living friends you once knew who from you nowadays does live far away
They are deceased to you in body only but in your mind as living they do remain
They have not died if in you they are living though when i tell you this you ask me please explain

That's What Queen Victoria Said

I lay on my back and I think of England that's what Victoria used to say
Whenever she was copulating and that was often on her day
Queen Victoria died but her fame outlives her States and places named in her honour from England far away
Born to royalty her fame does live on but only worms live where her bones now lay.

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