Francis Duggan Poems

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I Hate The World I Live In

I hate the World I live in though live in it I must
Where the value of a poor person is seen as equal to a piece of dust
I feel detached from most people their attitude to life I hate
To money only money they do seem to relate.

The Eldest Son Of Liz The Queen

He's only known the good times and all of the better things in life
And he's never had to sink a drain for to support his kids and wife
And he's a billionaire by right of birth and un-earned fame he's won
Because the Queen's his mother Prince Phillip's eldest son.

Do Not Tell Me Of Your Sorrows

Do not tell me of your sorrows I've had sorrows of my own
And there are many others who more grief than us have known
And they do not tell the World of their sorrows at their loss
They just get on with living life and bear their heavy cross.

An Ageing Gipsy Woman

An ageing woman of no fixed abode
She has travelled down many a road
The lines of life etched on her face
And she is one who ages with grace.

Maudlin Tears

It always happens after a few beers
That I must stifle back those maudlin tears
The maudlin tears I won't allow to flow
I'm not the man that some others think they know.

Poor John Clare

Unrivalled as an English poet of Nature yet life for him it was far worse than hell
He lived for years and died in an asylum and the story of his life a tragic one to tell
He penned the poems destined to live forever and with the finest poets he can compare
And he will always be a Prince of Wordsmiths the peasant poet from Helpston poor John Clare.

Nothing Ever Last

The World's great Empires have gone to decay
They rose and they fell and each had their day
And one Super Power rise as another does fall
And the small will grow great and the great become small.

If You Can Overlook The Flaws In Others

It's the flaws we have that only make us human
And the flaws we have are never hard to see
And if you can only look for flaws in others
How cynical a person you must be.

The Choice Is Up To You

You sired two children and raised them to adults most would consider that as good enough
And you were faithful to the one you married and you hung in there though the going was tough
Despite this your wife left you for another and about it there is nothing you can do
But you too can find yourself another partner 'twould seem on that the choice is up to you.


As I walked out on a windy night along by the moonlit lane
Ribet ribet I heard them in the watery pond and drain
Tiny and shy amphibians Nature's forecasters of rain
Long after I have heard them their songs with me remain.

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