Francis Duggan Poems

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The Past Has Gone

The past has gone that much we know
The past is gone and lost forever
And in the past we cannot stay
Though from the past we cannot sever.

The Red Deer Of Halls Gap

Around Halls Gap in Gariwerd with roo mobs them you see
The introduced red deer there living wild and free
Not as plentiful as grey kangaroos and yet by no means rare
Of danger posed by man and dog they seem all too aware

Addicted To Running

At least he's not causing pollution of him that would be fair to say
He runs to the work yard in the morning and back home at the end of the day
A distance of some twelve kilometres that is six kilometres each way
A fitness fanatic and a hard working fellow for him never an easy pay.

The Too Trusting Rosellas

When fed seed by the well meaning they do become trusting of people
Which in a sense seems a small shame
They perch on heads and eat seeds from hand
And for their own good do become too tame

To The Scythe Of The Reaper

Us humans like all other life forms are born to die
And death is for her and him and for you and for I
The millionaires and the paupers the great and the small
To the scythe of the Reaper one day have to fall

Of How Others Look On Me

Since I've not harmed them in any way of which I'm aware
Of how others look on me why should I much care
If they choose to judge me that's their business not mine
And if they choose to pigeon hole me well that suits me fine.

Blue Wrens

In small family groups birds that I often see
They hop on ground near hedge, bush or small tree
The dominant male is dark blue the younger males and females a lightish gray
I've seen them in the Winter sunshine today.


They marry a local and settle down
And raise their children in their Countrytown
Their sedentary lives they love and do embrace
And in truth I envy them their sense of place.

Do You Live In A Community

Do you live in a community where you feel you do not belong
Where your bond to those who live in close proximity to say the least not strong
You do not attend community meetings and you not many wish to know
And you only get a blank stare when to some you say hello?

A Chilly Evening In June

The tiny breeding frogs are singing in the roadside drain
And the magpie he pipes in the wind and the rain
And as shades of darkness roll across the sky
The foxes are barking on the hill nearby

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