Francis Duggan Poems

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On Few Things 'Twould Seem

On few things 'twould seem we do ever agree
The failure to you is a success to me
'Tis true one person's weed is another's rose
So few think on the same lines one would have to suppose

I Know Him Only As My Neighbour

I know him only as my neighbour and though I see him most every day
For each of us a struggle for to find words for to say
Whenever we come face to face in the park or on the street
'Tis just a hello in passing we don't chat when we meet

Lets Hear It For Compassionate People

So lucky are those with compassion they never do put others down
Their type of person are an asset to City or Village or Town
In a Human World where self centredeness is common above the ordinary they do rise
With those who live life in the hard way they readily do empathize

That's What Life Is About

Since true love is a feeling that has to be felt by two
Why bother to pine for one who does not love you
The loveache of unrequited love does live on for years
And those who have known it have often shed tears

For To Be High Achievers

In life, sports and business one does have to say
That of winners and losers we hear of every day
The self same old stories we've been hearing for years
Joy and laughter for some and for the others tears

A Pack Of Lies

That from hard work and endeavour up the social rank you will rise
To me anyhow does seem a pack of lies
'Tis just an old cliche that and nothing more
That some like to quote and we have heard before.

The Man Who Could Not Settle Down Anywhere

To live a settled existence to him would be living a lie
As the wander bug will be in him till he die
He has been to many big towns in the big World out there
The man who could not settle down anywhere

The Word Mate

Usually used by a man greeting another man the Aussie terminology 'Mate'
A term colonial man brought from England that now seems out of date
Often used in greeting strangers a term of greeting nothing more
An Aussie antiquated word that lives on born of another shore

A Dangerous Man

He's popular in his Homeland though in Countries afar
They judge him for his aggression he only talks of war
With great power at his disposal he is a man to fear
And to the biggest blood bath ever we've never been so near.

The Duck Shooter

It is his way of having fun
At duck season to raise his gun
And shoot the wild duck from the sky
For his dog to fetch it from where it die.

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