Francis Duggan Poems

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True Friendship

Your relationship has undergone great strain
But your true friend as your true friend does remain
And as friends with him you are destined to stay
Till in your lives the reaper has the final say.

A Good Citizen

When i hear someone referred to as a good citizen i feel like laughing aloud
Your government approves of you big brother of you proud
But if you die tomorrow the government won't care
To them you are just a number and your type are not rare,

Stand Up For Yourself Fellow

Stand up for yourself fellow for if not you're out of luck
For if you let others use you they will drag you through the muck
And those who seek advantage of you go treat them with disdain
But from any sort of violence your best bet is refrain.

An Ageing Golfer's Dream

His great dream in his fifties is to emulate his son
Who was lucky enough to score a hole in one
Which is something in golf that is quite rare indeed
Where many do fail few can hope to succeed

The Great Australian Dream

To own your own home in a suburban housing estate
Or to watch the captain of your favourite team
Raise the trophy aloft after the A.F.L Grand Final siren
It's all part of the great Australian dream.

For A Round Of Golf

For leisure the game that so many do play
For a round of golf 'tis a beautiful day
By the wide slow flowing river that crawls to the sea
Men and women practice their strokes before their evening tea.

The First Australians

For to have survived European colonization for them worth a boast
To the first Australians we should drink a toast
Anthropologists claim their ancestors reached the southern shores sixty thousand years ago
And maybe even further back in time for of that how would they know

The Southern Winter Solstice

In the sunny blue sky just a few clouds of gray
On June the twenty first the southern year's shortest day
For the southern Winter solstice a forecast high of fifteen degrees
A pleasant day out of doors of scarcely any breeze

The Mother

He may be a criminal and from the police on the run
But the mother will always stick up for her son
He has been harassed by the police and wrongfully served time
My son he never did commit any crime.

Distinctive From Other Birds

I see them often though not every day
The whistling blackbird sized birds of brown and gray
From wooded places never far away
Near where trees and bushes are they like to stay

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