Francis Duggan Poems

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A Humid October Day

The sky is a mixture of clouds blue and gray
And the sun at intervals shines through on this warm Spring day
With a high of a humid thirty one degrees
And little relief from the heat in the freshening sea breeze

Blessed Are They With The Great Gift Of Ruth

I only say here what is the obvious truth
That blessed are they with the great gift of ruth
One might say in numbers they do not abound
Though the ruthless at heart are not hard to be found

Those Who Think They Know It All

Their over inflated egos have stripped them of the power to discern
The know alls are those who have nothing to learn
Though not one in the World who knows everything would you not agree?
At least anyway that's how it seems to me

The Wise Elders Of My Young Years

Though for many years their bones lay in Nature's bosom and in the flesh them I never more will see
Of them I have the finest mental pictures and they are living in my memory
They were the ageing mentors of my young years and insights on life from them I did gain
And until the Reaper claims the life's breath from me fond memories of them with me will remain

I Am Not What You Would Call

I am not what you would call a successful person
To be alive is my only claim to fame
My mum and dad they would not be proud of me
Though I have never brought upon them shame.

I Am One Of Many Who Loves Nature

I am one of many who loves Nature her beauty is all around me
And every day in Nature's World new wonders I'm privileged to see
Of Nature we never stop learning we learn from her every day
Though her secrets and they are many from us she has hidden away

Try To Live Happy

In life you should make the most of every day
And respect to others be willing to pay
And try to live happy for time ticks away
It does not wait for anyone as some are known to say

In His Early Twenties Only Twenty Three

His financial affairs in a horrible mess
Alas the poor bloke could not cope with the stress
The financial company had re-possessed his car
When you are in trouble you wonder where your friends are

Kevin Cronin

Missed by his friends and neighbours and grieved by his family and his good wife Ann
Kevin Cronin gone from Millstreet he was such a decent man
A hard working individual one who worked hard every day
And to help out other people he often went out of his way

The Cricket Club Team Captain

Today he made the vital catch that won for his team the game
And tonight in the cricket club rooms he relives his moment of fame
Club supporters pat him on the back and tell him he is great
With a smug look upon his face his ego does inflate

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