Francis Duggan Poems

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My Heroes Or Heroines Do Good Deeds Every Day

The general public the legends create
The heroes or heroines we do celebrate
And if you wish to know what constitutes a hero or heroine ask someone other than me
For we all look at life one might say differently.

Self Praise Is No Praise

Others will give you credit if credit you are due
And that self praise is no praise happens to be true
He told me without asking of his great job and his recent huge raise
He did seem so willing for to sing his own praise

Pam Ayres

A marvellous woman so witty and bright
And her whimsical verses are born of delight
And with the finest of poets she is one who can rate
And Pam Ayres is a name that we must celebrate.

Arrogant People

I never could like them and them i just tolerate
Those arrogant people who think they are great
They build themselves up by putting others down
And you meet them on every Street in every Town.

Doctors Differ And Patients Die

Doctors differ and patients die
In some cases not a lie
And every surgical mistake
Can lead to death and grieving and heartbreak

A Bright And Sunny Morning

A bright and sunny morning and amongst the flowering trees
The familiar low toned buzzing of the nectar gathering bees
The pale eyed crow is cawing and the magpie is on song
And the house sparrows familiar chirpings one never can get wrong.

The Wonders Of Nature

The wonders of Nature around us every day
The billions of multicoloured wildflowers that bloom in their own natural way
The hum of the nectar gathering honey bees
And the scent of pollen blown out from the blossoming trees.

At The End Of The Rainbow

At the end of the rainbow in fable 'tis told
The Leprechaun he hides his bronze pot of gold
And if you should catch him hold on to him tight
Or he will quickly disappear out of your sight

Forgotten People

In Council Flats live the forgotten people
At the slum end the poorer side of town
They live on welfare like their dads before them
And from where they live a long hike to renown.

What Does A Bunyip Look Like

What does a Bunyip look like i asked Joe
He said i've never seen one would'nt know
But they grow huge or so i have been told
And they live to be hundreds of years old.

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