Francis Duggan Poems

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To All A Fair Go

I will shout hooray for prejudices downfall
And i will drink a toast to a fair go for all
To every race and color of white, black and brown
In every city and village and town

You May Be A Successful And Celebrated Billionaire

Your billions in money do not tell me of you anything
Though the gullible your praises feel happy to sing
Due to the mansion you live in your Olympic sized swimming pool and chauffeur driven car
Though these things do not tell me of the person you are

Easy To Read Rhyme

I have written a lot of easy to write rhyme
That some only see as a great waste of time
But what they say of what i do with me seems quite fine
Since that is their business and their business not mine

The Mt Rouse Butterflies

They seem to dance with each other in the freshening breeze
Around the blossoming shrubs and the trees
With just a few clouds of gray in the blue and sunny December sky
In their home in Mt Rouse the brown butterfly

With Me, Myself And I

It is mostly of ourselves and friends and family good things we ever speak
But good does seldom grow to great and the flesh is always weak
We live in tribes and small family groups like our distant cousin the chimpanzee
And outside of our tribe we do seem lost that is how it seems to me

In Life There Is Always

In life there is always a challenge to face
And so hard to accept disappointment with grace
And though all hope of success from you may be gone
Your great love of life helps you for to live on

Robert Vanderhope

I know this fellow Robert Vanderhope
With life's many challenges one who does readily cope
In his early seventies a long term friend of Janice my good wife
One can say of him that he does lead a varied life

In The House Nearby

In a neighbor's house a party going to where i live quite near
The music and the laughter loud on the eve of the New Year
For a group of not more than twenty they do seem rather loud
It is true a small gathering with alcohol involved becomes as noisy as a big crowd

On The Rumored Closure Of Duhallow Hospitals

In economic hard times when governments go for the cutback
It is always services to the most disadvantaged come under attack
In Duhallow it is rumored that the hospitals in Kanturk and Millstreet Town
May well become victims of a government close down

That He Would Call His Own

He does not wish to be famous or even widely known
But he'd like a place to live in that he would call his own
He sleeps in a disused factory a cold concrete floor for his bed
But he is not bereft of hope of better times of him ahead

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