Francis Duggan Poems

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No Shortage Of Things

No shortage of things for to write rhymes about
The cool winds of late Autumn are blowing from the south
The rain from the gray sky is drizzling down
On the now green paddocks that five weeks ago were brown

The Pride Of The Allow

I have not seen her since nineteen sixty three
But memories of her great beauty today are with me
Her shoulder length dark hair and lovely eyes of brown
The most beautiful woman in old Kanturk Town

Suppose This Is How Life Is

Doesn't matter if in life you are not doing well
You like all others have your own stories to tell
Of towns and places you have been to and people you have met
Some of them quite memorable and some you would rather forget

An Ordinary Man He Is Supposed To Be

An ordinary man he is supposed for to be
But he does not seem ordinary to me
As a sculptor of wood beauty he does create
Were he good at sports he would be one many would look up to as great

The Years Go By Quickly

The years go by so quickly seems like only yesterday
That i heard the robin singing by my first home in May
The sunshine on his orange breast on a leafy birch tree
In the warmth of the Afternoon proclaiming territory

Renowned Survivors

It is said that one breeding female mouse gives birth to forty young a year
Words of the experts on rodents that i read of and hear
Forty young in twelve months does seem quite a lot to me
If this be true the mother mouse has a huge family

Oh Sing Me A Song Of The Brown Creek

Oh sing me a song of the brown creek from the hill
That flows by the country town and the old grain mill
On it's long journey to the big river to the Pacific shore
A journey destined to last for forever more

It Has Been So Many Seasons

It has been so many Seasons since i see Finnow in flood of brown
Flowing bank high in the old fields just out of Millstreet Town
Or seen the hawthorns quite resplendent cloaked in their white blooms of the May
And the cattle on nutritious young grass gaining weight by the day

It Is True That Love

It is true that love is the greatest gift to the human mind
Without it people cannot be compassionate or generous or kind
Those with love are understanding and for those doing it tough feel sympathy
It is lack of love in an individual that causes lack of empathy

Mortality For Us

Mortality for us is a fact and fact does not lie
For whatever you achieve in life you eventually must die
Death brings an end to worry and fear and self doubt
One does have to wonder what is life about

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