Francis Duggan Poems

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Koroit Of The Moyne

With strong links to an indigenous history as one of it's claim to renown
Koroit of the Moyne Shire is an old Irish Town
Most of it's residents family links to Ireland can trace
Any Irish person in Koroit should not feel out of place

But Does It Really Matter

Far north of this countryside by Warrnambool
I was dunce of the classroom where i went to school
But going back the years this now seems long ago
And time as is said becomes everyone's foe

The Most Valuable Thing

The most valuable thing that you have is your life
This is despite what many to you might say
Your Wordly possessions to you of no use
When the Reaper of lives does come reaping your way

The Thing Known As Greed

Some people with each other are born to compete
To be best in their neighborhood or best on their street
To be best in the Nation or even be best Worldwide
It is all about self and it is all about pride

Time Did Not Wait

Time did not wait for Caesar or for Genghis Khan
The schoolboy in a decade grows into a man
And a decade of years in one's physical prime
Eventually we all become victims of time

Memories Remain

I have not been to my first home-place for twenty nine years
And for the what used to be i have shed my last tears
But on my flights of fancy the Claramore rill
Babbles towards Claraghatlea down the fields by the hill

Margaret Rahilly

In her and John's home in Port Fairy Janice and i often enjoyed afternoon tea
Margaret Rahilly who died looking out on the sea
When the silver gulls were mewing and the nesting songbirds did sing
On a breezy evening in late October in the prime of the Spring

Joe From Pakenham

He's only fifty years plus he looks much older
He looks near seventy 'Joe from Pakenham
And I've been told that he was decorated
For his bravery in the sixties in Vietnam.

The World's One Hundred Wealthiest

The World's many billion people controlled by the greedy few
But to every billionaire there is there are a million who
Go to sleep weak and hungry their wasted bodies thin
For days they have not eaten their bones showing through

Will I Return To Ballarat

Will I return to Ballarat? don't know myself I may
Though I would like to return there if only for a day
To visit again my favourite haunts and meet friends I've got there
No better place than Ballarat though I've been to many where.

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