Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
When The Last Breath Of Life

When the last breath of life has gone from me
And i am too deep and dark for eyes to see
Some who knew me of me may even say
He was one who had lived well beyond his prime day

No Journey To Help One For You Seems Too Far

No journey to help one for you seems too far
But no matter how good a person that you are
There are always a few in words to put you down
Such people are to be found in every town

The More We Learn Of Nature

In life we never stop learning it does seem true to say
And of Nature we learn something new every day
And the more we learn of Nature the more we come to realize
That of her ways we know little this not a surprise

The First Day Of June And The Calendar Winter

The first day of June and the calendar Winter in the Moyne Shire in Victoria South West
The sun shining bright and Nature in her green best
In the clear and blue sky just a few clouds of gray
For Winter it is such a beautiful day

Too Late

Too late for sadness and too late for tears
For lost opportunities of your past years
Tomorrow is coming and yesterday has gone
You can only live in the now and life does go on

Willie Joe Shine

He was a legend of his time
In my boyhood years he was in his prime
The champion cross country runner of Boherbue Willie Joe Shine
Often took the tape at the finish line

It Is A Winners World

It is a winners World after all
Only winners the historians recall
In all things in the Human World it is the same
To the winners go the prestige and the fame

On The Passing Of Muhammad Ali

In every news bulletin a sad news of the day
In Phoenix Arizona Muhammad Ali has passed away
The man born in Louisville Kentucky as Cassius Clay
The three times World Heavyweight Boxing Champion one with words never short of things to say

I Want To Live On Why Should I Wish To Die

For any Country or cause my life i would not give
And why should i since i want to live
In time for as long as i possibly can
And die in my sleep without pain as a very old man

Miss Picky

In her younger years no man for her good enough
Some not handsome looking and some a bit rough
Some not well educated and lacking in a degree
She was rather picky as the very word can be

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