Francis Duggan Poems

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No Words You Can Say

No words you can say for to console a person for the loss of a cherished one
A loved husband or wife or partner or daughter or son,
Aunt, Uncle, nephew or niece, or friend
Only time can truly heal grief why otherwise pretend

Malcolm Turnbull's Dream

To be a great Prime Minister of Australia was Malcolm Turnbull's dream
But on the online comments on him of late criticisms by the ream
For his recent slump in popularity his nemesis Tony Abbott by name
Is the one that the poor Malcolm in some ways does place the blame

True Happiness Until Death

True happiness until death is based on a fallacy
To Be content in your mind at most times is the best you can hope to be
Anyone who can live without too many mentally down times in life doing okay
One cannot expect to live a lifetime without one sad day

Young Ben

At the loss of his granddad five year old Ben is in tears
Trying to come to terms with human mortality in his tender years
The grief at the loss of a dear friend it has hit him bad
He is learning at a young age that life sometimes can be sad

Stranger Than Fiction

The sweet taste of love it is ever so sweet
They kissed by the unshaded window in the room near the street
That true love blossoms outwards from love's inner glow
Is something that everyone does seem to know

Though I Am Getting On In Years

Though i am getting on in years i have good hearing and good eyes
And i am lucky in my life i have come to realize
I have good health and in any way not physically impaired
And of any afflictions or illnesses one of the lucky to have been spared

Diana The Beautiful

Not many true stories and lots of old wives tales
Of Diana the beautiful deceased Princess of Wales
Of how she lived and of how she died
On some ways she did not have luck on her side

On The Passing Of Danny Spooner

His devoted fans will never join in the refrain
With the great Danny Spooner in a sea shanty again
The singer of old songs has lived the last night and day
Of a life journey that began for him in England far away

For Every Writer

For every writer a no inspiration day
When on paper you do not have anything for to say
You cannot think of anything for to write about
Today for you writing does seem to be out

The Dancer

She is in her mid seventies and heavy on her feet
And with the younger dancers she cannot hope to compete
But when the music starts she is first on the floor
And she dances on for two hours sometimes more

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