Francis Duggan Poems

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Australia's Magpie Larks

The dainty black and white birds whose song sounds much like pee wee
The most endearing magpie larks so pretty for to see
They build their cup shaped nest of mud on low branch of a tree
Familiar birds to many and familiar birds to me

It Is Not Life But Myself

When i am in the dark mood that borders despair
I say to myself life to me is unfair
But later in a reflective mood it occurs to me
That it is not life that creates my reality

In The Age Of The Selfie

We are in the age of the selfie where self centeredness for many does seem the in thing
The people who do crave attention their own praises they only sing
They take love of self to the extreme their favorite words me, myself and i
They do not grow kinder but older as self centered they live and will die

Mortlake's Rose

With shoulder length wavy hair of chestnut brown
The most beautiful woman in old Mortlake Town
With eyes as dark blue as ripe Autumn sloes
She does deserve the title of Mortlake's Rose

On The Death Of Sam

That your dog is your best friend many would believe
For the loss of his dog Bruce Lowenthal does grieve
It is said that Sam died a victim of snakebite
He was brave to the end the brave west highland white

On Internet Trollers

To be nasty in your words is no claim to fame
All internet trollers should hang their heads in shame
They fancy themselves as critics but true critics for their criticisms receive pay
And an internet troller to a critic different in every way

Many Of The Wealthy Successful

Many of the wealthy succesful and famous so arrogant does seem
So full of themselves in their public esteem
So cocky and arrogant and egotistical as well
At their celebrity status their egos does swell

Long Way From Here

A long way from here to Hibernia's shore
And further to Clara above high Claramore
The old hill in Duhallow that ever looks down
On the green countryside and on Millstreet's rural Town

Not Any Truth On This At All

Women can be the downfall of men those words i recall
Though in truth there is not any truth on this saying at all
Like women men for their own downfall must take the blame
And are fully responsible for their own shame

I Feel I May Be

I began writing rhyme in nineteen seventy three
And addicted to rhyming i feel i may be
At twenty seven years of age in my physical prime
And this is going back many Seasons in time

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