Francis Duggan Poems

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For To Build A Bigger Town

They cut away the forest for to build a bigger town
Strong men with chainsaws came one day and cut the tall trees down
It took a century of years for those big trees to grow
But for men with chain saws to cut them down it took a day or so.

The Noisy Miners

The noisy miners live up to their name
As the noisiest family in their neighbourhood
You always hear them calling in small groups
On trees along the border of the wood.

Jack From Maryknoll

This Melbourne like all Cities doesn't seem to have a soul
And I have witnessed callous acts since I've left Maryknoll
I've seen old ladies have their handbags snatched and my house has been robbed twice
Suppose for living in suburbia there has to be some price.


Jama is an African from Somalia far away
I'm black and I am proud of it he has been known to say
In boots he stand seven foot in bare feet six foot ten
And six footers beside him seem only little men.

Love Song

When the flowers bloom on the rhododendron tree
And the parkland wear it's finest greenery
And the shrike thrush pipe his sweetest melody
Then I know you'll return again to me.

The Ballad Of Willie Pat

I will tell to you a story as the story was told to me
About a man who lived in Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory
He was born and raised in Ireland a true blooded Irishman
And the noble blood of Munster through his big and brave heart ran.

On Seeing Yellow Tailed Black Cockies

Four parrot like birds crying in the darkening sky
Too dark to recognize with naked eye
But by their calls which sound much like 'wee yu'
Those birds are yellow tailed black Cockatoo.

A Thing Of Joy To Keep In Memory

In Waverley's Jells park I felt in luck
A rare, rare sighting of rare freckled duck
A pair swam and dived not far from the lake shore
A dozen metres maybe even more.

Why Do He Waste His Time

He say there's beauty in South Gippsland's coast
And as beautiful as anywhere he boast
And with his views I most certainly agree
So why do he waste his time convincing me? .

Bill Feels He's Australian

Bill feels he is a fair dinkum Australian
He says I'm Aussie born and bred and grown
It's not my fault that my dad came from Ireland
From County Kerry by the Paps of Shrone.

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