Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
For Australia's First People

Of more than two hundred years of racism, oppression and massacres they have survived
But for Australia's first people their time has almost arrived
For to be recognized as Australia's first race
And as the descendants of the Country's first people claim their rightful place


In my visualizations time seems to stand still
On the bracken clad slopes of old Clara hill
On a pleasant evening in early July
The brown lark above me caroling in the sky

If We All Thought In The Same Way

If we all thought in the same way and on all things did agree
How boring and predictable we all would be
On the opinions of others we would not cast a doubt
As we would not have anything for to argue about

Wise Words Of The Wise One

Wise words of the wise one i can only recall
That a fair go to some is not a fair go to all
A fair go is something that to all should apply
Though some of this of others do choose to deny

You Do Not Need

You do not need to tell me that my rhymes are a bit rough
Since to be honored with the title of poet i am not good enough
Though for many years i have been a rhyming buff
And i am one who has written reams and reams of stuff

Have You Ever Felt Time Is Not On Your Side

Have you ever felt time is not on your side
That some you have been in school with have died
physically you are not the one you were in a long bygone day
And time on your life ever ticking away

Due To Climate Change And Human Destruction

Due to climate change and human destruction of their natural habitat many species of life forms becoming rare
Though the World is only for us humans to live in and with other creatures to share
That many species of wildlife are endangered of extinction seems a sad thing to say
And every day more trees for land development are being cut away

Due To Climate

Due to climate change and human destruction of their natural habitat many species of life forms becoming rare
Though the World is only for us humans to live in and with other creatures to share
That many species of wildlife are endangered of extinction seems a sad thing to say
And every day more trees for land development are being cut away

With Yourself You Begin

To make a more compassionate Human World to live in
You surely can help if with yourself you begin
By improving yourself as a person and to others be kind
They do not do anything for humanity those to selfishness inclined

Her Wonders Are Many

Her wonders are many and her secrets not few
And every day of her i do learn something new
Everywhere i turn to look her beauty i do see
Every day it is everywhere all around me

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