Francis Duggan Poems

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Racism To It Does Not Have

Racism to it does not have a gender, creed or race
Or the color of your eyes or the color of your face
The wise words of a wise one i do recall
The one who is racist to one race is racist to all

The Old Man Today

The old man today was young years ago
Time that ages everyone has become his foe
With gray hairs on his balding head the years on him show
In his young years a champion athlete now his fastest pace slow

If You Wish To Convert People

If you wish to convert people to your way of thinking and you are preaching to the converted you are wasting your time
It is like preaching about rhyming poetry to those who love rhyme
Many seeking converts to their cause are preaching to the converted every day
Though on getting new converts they are going about it in the wrong way

Noreen Hannon

A young woman who was born with the inner glow
Her friends and admirers in numbers did grow
Time that rusts iron was not to become her foe
That she was to grow old for her not to be so

You Inquire Douglas Scotney

You inquire Douglas Scotney what my biggest problem might be
That seems quite a very good question to me
Perhaps the answer to it is i am addicted to penning of rhyme
And i have written a whole heap of rhyming stuff over a period of time

Old Jim In The Pub

In the local pub old Jim of his sexual conquests always bragging
But he never tells of how young Andy next door his wife Kate is shagging
For that to his big ego would be so deflating
And any man such a thing would not be celebrating

What Constitutes Success

Like all other life forms us humans are born to die
And what is life about ask one other than i
For of life and it's meaning i cannot claim to know
I have so much to learn though old i do grow

Perhaps I May Never See Millstreet Again

Perhaps i may never see Millstreet again
And hear the frogs croak in the waterlogged drain
Or see Clara half cloaked in the fogs of rain
Only good memories of what was with me now remain

Warrnambool On A Wet And Windy Day

It is windy and raining and on the side of cool
Today in the old City of Warrnambool
The weather temperatures at a blustery fourteen degrees
And the wild gales are howling in the Norfolk pine trees

It Is Said Of Time

A great champion eventually by age will go down in defeat
By one younger and stronger she or he will be beat
We slow by the year beyond our physical prime
And eventually we all become victims of time

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