Francis Duggan Poems

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On Premier Bracks

He's no better or worse than Jeffrey Kennett
Except of course he has a bit more guile
And to Labor he wooed the Victorian voters
Perhaps his secret it is in his smile.

On Reading Poems Of W.W.Gibson

If i could write verse half as good as Gibson did then i would be referred to as a poet
For at many poetry gatherings and readings from his poems a verse or two is often quote
Amongst the Georgian poets of Great Britain he still is rated as one of the best
His poems of genius works of inspiration born of his sympathy for the oppressed.

He Told Me Jesus Loves You

He wished me a happy New Year and to me reached his hand
And you might say that we 'shook on it' yet i could not understand
When he told me Jesus loves you 'methought' how would he know
The thoughts of one who lived on this Earth two thousand years ago

I'D Love To See The Gorse In Bloom

I'd love to see the gorse in bloom again
And in the morning hear the chaffinch sing
And hear the curlew piping in the bog
As carolling skylark towards the cloud world wing.

The Murmuring Cails

O'er the Cails river the leafless trees wave
As the winds of December violently rave
But the unperturbed water still singing it's song
Like a wandering minstrel keeps moving along.

To Love, To Honour And Obey

To love, to honour and obey
Her three vows on her wedding day
She loved and honoured for awhile
But she never once did obey.

On Seeing A Flock Of Starlings

A flock of starlings in the evening sky
It takes me back in time to days gone by
To distant land my Homeland miles away
The starlings a familiar sight each day.

The Life Of Charlie

'The life of Riley' a saying from long ago
It means the good life he or she only know
To Prince Charles of Britain those words must apply
Born as a prince and as a king he'll die.

Don'T Worry Mate

For weeks on end now you've been in despair
You are stone broke and feel that life's unfair
Refused for small loan from your so called friend Ted,
Don't worry mate there's better days ahead.


Somewhere in the morning gray
In the woodlands far away
Songbirds pipe their melodies
On the green and leafy trees.

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