Francis Duggan Poems

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In Gallipoli Today

Where the enemy no longer is the foe
In a place where the gunfire was loud a century ago
Silence reign supreme in Gallipoli today
Where the long dead of war at peace forever lay

The Know It All

The know it all has nothing to learn at all
His ego inflated like an over-pumped ball
That one does never stop learning words of wisdom of the wise
Is something that he does not seem to realize

It Is My Own Fault

It is my own fault if i am not a financial millionaire
For i cannot say life to me has been unfair
The chances of financial success that came my way i left them go by
As is said success is only for those who for it their hardest does try

On A Phone Call From Michael Kelleher

A phone call from Michael Kelleher never fails to make my day
We talk of our happy younger years and the old Town far away
Where in the school yard in the lunch break with our young friends we did play
Good memories last a lifetime as the wise one does say

The Bible Of Life

Each to their own and live and let live
And do not expect to receive if you are not willing to give
And those worthy of credit of credit never deny
There is a bible of life for us to live by

By The Old Country Town

The gray clouds of darkness are crossing the sky
On a Winter twilight in early July
A magpie is warbling his farewell to day
For to proclaim his borders this is his way

When Ill Used The Word Loser

When ill used the words loser can be such a put down
It is the most abused word in every village and city and town
By ignorant and rude people who think to hurt others feelings is quite okay
In the World far too many of their kind which does seem sad to say

To Call Their First Home

Each person has somewhere for to call their first home
Like to the New Yorker it is New York to the Athenian it is Athens and to the Roman it is Rome
And no matter to where you travel to in the big World out there
You will always meet people from some other where

What Is A Pleasure To Me

What is a pleasure to me to many seems a waste of time
For i am one who does enjoy penning rhyme
Something i have been doing since i was twenty seven in nineteen seventy three
It was love of rhyme that made a rhymer of me

Jean Armour

Jean Armour gave birth to many children and knew of the hard life
To Scotland's Bard Robert Burns she was a good wife
Burns in his poetry and songs became known Worldwide
To Scots their National Bard is a source of National pride

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