Francis Duggan Poems

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The Man From The Big World Out There

He drove into town just a few weeks ago the man from the big World out there
This morning he drives on the highway again on a journey to some other where
He worked for a local builder for a few weeks on Friday when he drew his pay
He told the boss he will not be with him next week tomorrow he will be on his way

It Is Not Up To You

You may be only in your twenties healthy and carefree
But on the length of your life there is no guarantee
Healthy young people are dying in accidents every day
On how long you will live is something you cannot say


Wise people have never too much for to say
Or never use their words in a careless way
Their sort to say the least are of the few
And this is not saying anything that is new

To Waste Time Listening To Them

To waste time listening to them i cannot afford
The people who promote mistrust and discord
Without them the World would be better to live in
The power to do good only comes from within

Kanturk In Duhallow A County Cork Town

Kanturk in Duhallow a County Cork Town
For it's famed Gaelic footballers and hurlers a place of renown
The home of Edel Quinn a great person her name lives on in time
She has been the subject of story and rhyme

For So Many Years

For so many years i have been writing rhyme
But what i enjoy doing to me never a waste of time
It is my love of rhyming keeps me rhyming on
Though my physical best years in life are long gone

To Rid The World Of Them

To rid the World of them those who hate them do strive
They have been poisoned and shot at but the wild rabbits survive
Humans have tried their best for to wipe them out
But that they are great survivors of this little doubt

Of Faraway Beauty

The beautiful cock pheasants can be heard to crow
Today in the fields where the rushes do grow
Where the lark a musical speck in the gray of the sky
Is singing as upwards to the clouds he does fly

Old Laughing Jim

The town sad to say not the same without him
He was a great character old Laughing Jim
In the town cemetery his last remains lay
He died five weeks ago on the sixteenth of May

In My Moments Of Fancy

Above the great oceans and across the sky
In my moments of fancy i often does fly
To the flat rushy fields near the Town of Millstreet
In the green countryside where the waterways meet

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