Francis Duggan Poems

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Bullfinches Of This Are One Good Example

Not all of Nature's creatures are unfaithful to their partners that is a fact and facts do never lie
The male bullfinch I will use as one example he stays with his female till he or she does die
In the bullfinches unfaithfulness unheard of they stay together till death do them part
It can be said of them that they are loyal that he and she does have a loving heart,

Is There Laughter, Music, Dance And Song

Is there laughter music, dance and song in the Parish of Millstreet
In the pubs of Cullen and Millstreet Town when friends and families meet
Or have things so changed in Duhallow far away
That I would feel a stranger there today?

Not Everyone Can Be

Not everyone can be a World Champion and not everyone seen as worthy of note
And not everyone can be a renowned novelist and not everyone can be a famous poet
And though most do hope that they will become wealthy not everyone becomes a millionaire
Amongst the World's billions of people the homeless and the paupers are not rare

Many Of You Poets Of The World

Many of you poets of the World it does seem to me
You are not doing your duty for humanity
In your poems you seem to ignore poverty
The plight of the homeless and the refugee,

The Traveler And His Family

The red fox hunting in the fields had hunger in his cry
And the cold winds of mid February blew across the darkened sky
The traveler his wife and their two teenage daughters members of the born to wander clan
Sat and sung songs by the campfire beside their horse drawn van.

The Good Times For You

The good times for you may be about to begin
Next week you may have the big lotto win
The four million jackpot for one poor a huge amount
A lot of money to even have to count

On The Streets Of The Ordinary Town

The trucks and the cars on the main road to and from the bigger towns buzz up and down
And little does seem to be happening on the streets of the ordinary town
In this place I feel like a stranger though for that the fault may be all mine
I don't go to the pub to mix with the locals and chat with them as we drink beer and wine

With Some People Pride

With some people pride is an egotistical thing
The praises of their children the proud parents do sing
Whilst the patriots proudly waving their National flag
Of their love of Country do openly brag

Respect Me As An Equal

Respect Me as an equal and respect to you I'll pay
I'm too old for playing mind games I've never been that way
The one who derives pleasure in verbally putting others down
Will never be looked up to as the most loved one in town,

What Are We Only Mortal Beings

I am confused in my thinking of that why should I lie
What are we only mortal beings born into life to die
Many of us give life to children so our genes will live on
When we have gone forever to the forever gone

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