Francis Duggan Poems

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The Greedy

They finance your home and they finance your car
A necessary evil is all that they are
Those behind on their car loan repayments their cars they re-possess
Of the financial hardship they cause their customers they couldn't care less

So Many Streets And Roadways

So many streets and roadways I've driven up and down
Since I left Claraghatlea west of old Millstreet Town
And though I live far south of Clara Mountain today
The old fields from my thoughts are never far away

Just An Ordinary Rhymer

For many years now I have been a rhyme buff
One might say I have written a whole heap of stuff
But to rhyme is so easy as easy can be
So easy to you and so easy to me.

Not A Hero To All

The greatness of the greats we well may recall
But the hero to many not a hero to all
Not everyone holds big names in high esteem
Some are not easy to impress it does seem

If There Is A God That God

If there is a God That God is not for you and yours alone God is for everyone
And for every man and woman and their daughter and their son
When you say God is for you and all of your religion it shows how arrogant you must be
God is in every good living Human Being that's how it would seem to me

What Can I Say Of Michael Jackson

In life he was a pop music icon and much of him written and said
And he received some very bad press but now that he is dead
He is mourned by the masses pop music fans Worldwide
For to become sort of a Demigod the supposedly flawed living legend died.

Than Her No Better Teacher

I have loved Mother Nature since I was a young boy
And learning more about her in my many walks I do enjoy
And than her no better teacher believe that if you may
At least I learn from her something new every day

Of The Selfish Side Of Humanity

Of the selfish side of Humanity I am only too aware
In a World where the self centred for the have nots one thought don't have to spare
Even in so called wealthy Democratic Countries poverty is not rare
And thousands must grow poorer for every new millionaire

The Narrow Road By Old Mushera

The narrow road by old Mushera it winds up and down
The backway from Cork through Rylane that ends at Millstreet Town
In Winter the drivers crawl slow through the fog
That steals down the mountain and cloaks Togher Bog

Billy Will Re-Visit Canada

I have never been to Canada but Billy has been there
A Land he says he will re-visit when Spring is in the northern air
Down at the pub his Worldwide travels he is happy to recall
But the Homeland of the maple is his favourite Land of all

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