Francis Duggan Poems

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A Better World For All

For a better World for all to live in
Do not look to others with yourself you begin
By as a person becoming more compassionate and kind
In most people there is room for self improvement in their working of mind

The Workers

They worked so hard for their every take home pay
But sadly they are not remembered today
For helping to give us our present prosperity
Yet their achievements has not earned them a chapter in the book of human history

A Memory Of What Was

In pubs in the Town in view of Clara hill
They sung and re-sung the song Bold Thady Quill
In June when the flowers by Finnow were in bloom
And Millstreet had won a big game in Macroom

Great Person Indeed

My respect and admiration for her only does grow
For she is one who has the bright inner glow
Wavy gray hair to her shoulders she is ageing with grace
She always has a big smile on her beautiful face

Love Is A Great Healer

In the minds of people with extremist views hatred seems to thrive
But in a World without love humanity would not survive
Those who have love in them share it around
And where love is abundant joy and peace does abound

The Will To Live In You

Have you ever felt you do not have a friend
And thought of bringing your life to a premature end
But that life is your greatest gift is not a lie
And the will to live in most people stronger than the wish to die

Peace In Your Mind

For a more peaceful World for you to live in
With your own self you have got to begin
If you do not have peace in your own mind
To others you cannot be compassionate and kind

The Old Fields Of My Past

Though in distance from me they are far away
In my visualizations the old fields of my past I walk on every day
Good old memories live on only true for to say
And in the mind remain young and until death does stay

Them For Their Individuality

Each to their own as the wise one does say
We all look a life in a different way
The heroines and heroes to many may not be so to me
If we all agreed on all things how boring we would be

Only One Can Be

Only one can be the best in the town
And not everyone born for to know of renown
For one for to win big many have to lose
Though losing is a thing anyone does not choose

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