Francis Duggan Poems

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Are You One Of

Are you one of the not so confident people and your own worth you often do doubt
That on the gifts and talents some others are bestowed with you feel you somehow seems to have missed out
But for one to be lacking in self confidence is not such a bad thing at all
In a World of many super confident and arrogant people who in their own small ways are small

If You Want An Honest Opinion On Your Poetry

Since I have never been to Uni and I do not have a Literary Degree
If you want to know about poetry go ask someone other than me
I doubt my own worth as a writer I've never said I was a poet
Ask someone other for an opinion on your writing a literary critic or one of literary note

Harold Wilson

Harold Wilson was Britain's pipe smoking Prime Minister a smart politician as I do recall
He was a champion of Britain's Labor voters to many their Nation's best P M of all
A stocky round faced man he was as cool as an ice cube about him he did have quite a charming way
So clever yet he never did show much emotion he always seemed calm he was quite a man in his day

On Time

They are the greats of Human History and their names to this day we recall
And though great time than them is far greater and time does take care of all
In time they too will be forgotten for time keeps on ticking away
For Time like Nature is forever and human bones to dust decay

The First Of March 09

There's scarce enough of grass here for to feed a hare
The paddocks for miles around are dry, brown and bare
The farm water dams almost empty the creek beds bone dry
And not a rain cloud in the blue sunny sky

George Crabbe Wrote Of

George Crabbe wrote of hardship and poverty and woe
In the England he lived in a long time ago
But perhaps his poems might be more popular today
Had he looked at life in a less truthful way.

Why Nature Can Only Tame Nature

Humans have walked on the Moon's surface and sent spaceships to Mars
And Humans have probed for life in Worlds beyond the Stars
But despite our Human achievements and our great lust for fame
The great force of Nature we never will tame

Our Marvellous Earth Mother

We are part of her and to her we belong
And if you cannot love her with you something wrong
Every life form in the world she is known for to feed
We cannot live without her though us she does not need

The Young Man And The Oid Man

A difference in thinking between one of eighty and one of twenty three
The old man and the young man look at life differently
The young man looks forward to decades ahead
But the old man knows he soon will be with the dead

Not Two Of A Kind

Are you one who tends to ridicule others when them you criticize
Or above such ordinary behaviour are you one who tries to rise
And use your criticisms in a constructive way
Personal verbal attacks and criticism are different one might say.

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