Francis Duggan Poems

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When It Is Autumn Here

The woodcock to breed is back on the high ground
And the swallows above old fields are flying around
And the hawthorns cloaked in their white blooms of the May
When it is Autumn here it is Spring far away,

Love Of Self Is Important

Love of self is important of that there's no doubt
Of it's importance by psychologists and spiritualists it has been written about
But leave it to others your praises to sing
Since too much of anything is not a good thing

You Will Find Poverty

You will find poverty in the U S and Great Britain, in France and in Japan,
In Canada and in Australia, New Zealand as well as Iran
In South America and Europe, Africa and all through Asia as well
Throughout the Human World some in their Earthly Hell

I Went For A Walk On The Woodland Pathway

I went for a walk on the woodland pathway
The birds chirped and sang on a mild Summer day
Yet one bird by it's call I did not seem to know
My wonder of Nature only seems to grow

Phil Ward

Phil ward one who never has too much to say
Yet a quiet achiever in his own quiet way
An emerging young artist of Warnnambool Town
His yet may be far more than local renown

Perhaps Millstreet Town I Will Never More See

Perhaps Millstreet Town I will never more see
Or nearby Claraghatlea many years home to me
Or see the hawthorns in their white blooms of the May
When wildflowers are blooming in fields far away

The One Who Created A White Butterfly

Brown spots on their fragile wings that do look white
A thing of great beauty for one on to write
In the Southern Summer so breezy and bright
Flitting in the park in the warm sunlight

Sometimes I Envy Those

Sometimes I envy those who never leave their Hometown
For to travel and work and to live elsewhere
They are happy in the place where they were born in
And have no wish to see some of the bigger World out there.

In Cruikshank Park

In Spring and in Summer from dawn until dark
The mynas do chirp and sing in Cruikshank Park
And cool is the breath of the freshening breeze
That blow up Geelong Road through the sunlit trees

We Must Accept From Life

On what constitutes in the Human World success and failure not all would agree
The successful one to you may not be so to me
Our eyes only tell us what we want to see
And we all look at life one might say differently

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