Francis Duggan Poems

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'Tis True Enough Hatred

'Tis true enough hatred is a bad energy
One of the main causes of disharmony
Between human beings hatred does lead to war
A destructive feeling when taken too far

Australia The Land Of

Australia the Land of the Wombat and roo
Corella and sulphur crested and Black cockatoo,
Wallaby, koala, emu and bandicoot
And echidna who in the ground for insects root.

'Tis Then Your Friend You Know

The one who does come to your aid in your time of most need
Though him or her you may not even know is a true friend indeed
One prepared to help you out of a financial hole or in some other way
A friend in need is a friend indeed as some are known to say

To See In Next Spring

I hope I will breathe life to see in next Spring
To hear Nature's singing birds whistle and sing
On fence and on powerline and on bush and tree
With flowers in abundance everywhere to see

The Born To Travel Man

The lust of the wander in him is still strong
In any one town he feels he don't belong
He has shorn in the big shearing sheds in the wide brown country
And many more places for him for to see,

Man And Pig

Each evening at twilight just before sundown
He walks with his black and white boar in the park in the town
He has had the animal since he was small
In three years he has grown to be sturdy and tall

A Self Imposed Outsider

He has lived for six months on the west side of town
And the street many times he has walked up and down
Where few do greet him with a hello or good day
The stranger in their midst as a stranger will stay.

The God I Know Of

I am arrogant and conceited but my flaws are my own
And why try converting me to your God since the only God I have known
Is not truly perfect or not free of sin
And does go by the name of the God Within.

The Goddess Of Nature Is Everywhere Near

The Goddess of Nature is everywhere near
In the gray of the dawn her music I do hear
In the songs of her birds on the bushes and trees
That wafts through the park in the freshening breeze

In Fear Of

In fear of the judgement of others and in fear of negative things of you they will say
I can empathize with you for I too am that way
You like to paint your pictures and you like the taste of wine
And that is your own business and not others or mine.

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