Francis Duggan Poems

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Baby Ella Gibson

Cannot understand a word she does say
Yet she is so clever in her baby way
She crawls around the kitchen floor
And opens every cupboard door

Like Many The Very Thought Of Death

Like many the very thought of death I fear
Yet for me with each ticks of the clock that moment draws near
The moment when the last life sustaining breath of air I will draw
To be born to die that is Nature's law

Rick From Portsmouth

Not one recognized him on the street as he walked up and down
He felt like a stranger in his old Hometown
A stranger to everyone that he did meet
And even a stranger on his old home street

I Once Was A Boy As You Are Now

I once was a boy as you are now when my hair was dark brown
In Claraghatlea far north of here near famous Millstreet Town
The sports I played and that you play as different as can be
But your strong bond to Nature makes you similar to me

The Woods Around Old Marysville

The woods around old Marysville are looking green again
Though bad memories of the massive fire with the survivors will remain
Of family members friends and neighbours that they never more will see
Black Saturday February the seventh 2009 etched in their memory

I Envy Them Who Never Yearn

I envy them who never yearn for riches and renown
Who with others never compete for success in their side of the town
Quite happy with their lot in life and easily satisfied
The smiling Goddess of Happiness is surely on their side

No Need To Tell Me Of The Death Of Rhyme

No need to tell me of the death of rhyme
Or of the prose like poetry of our time
And when you tell me that poets are only few
You are not saying anything that is new

Though Ageing

Though ageing I'm fairly healthy fit and strong
And I feel happy I have lived this long
And though my best years long gone and old age near ahead
Some I went to school with are amongst the dead

Mutual Admiration

As a poet you keep getting better like good ageing wine
Your work quite outstanding not a slipshod line
Your brilliant comment on my latest poem did suit me fine
'Tis my turn to praise your poetry since you have praised mine

Like Young John

In your short sleeved shirt and shorts walking in the town
You look relaxed, healthy and brown
From lying in the sun you do have a nice tan
Though hopefully not at the expense of a shorter life span

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