Francis Duggan Poems

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I'Ve Been Told By Some

I've been told by some I've been wasting my time
In the penning of far too much doggerel rhyme
That as at writing as such I will never succeed
But even good advice I am not one to heed

To Be Good As You Can

You can only live to be good as you can
For to be a good woman or be a good man
And do if you can your good deed of the day
And to help one in trouble go out of your way

The Deceased Billionaire

His children and his women at odds with each other over his billions today
But all is quiet and peaceful where at rest his bones lay
He did not make a will in itself that's not rare
But not everyone dies as a known billionaire

Wise Man Old Joe

I often recall the wise words of wise man Old Joe
He said if you do not have a friend you do not have a foe
In retrospect that does make great sense to me
Since your once best friend can become your worst enemy

Those Who Cash In On Others Misfortunes

Those who cash in on others misfortunes in their ways are so very small
They may think they are very clever but they are not nice people at all
It happens to so many people to those down in their luck every day
That some prosper out of the downfall of others does seem such a sad thing to say

I First Fell In Love With Nature

I first fell in love with Nature going back more than five decades of time
And by the animals and birds who lived near me in my late twenties I was inspired to rhyme
Yet the more that I learn about her so little about her I realize I know
Our Earth Mother she is amazing and my wonder of her only grow

A Frail Octogenarian

Slowly down the pavement with the aid of a walking frame she shuffles on yard by yard
For a frail octogenarian life can be so hard
The sparrows are chirping in the Winter sunshine
If I reach her age her lot well may be mine.

Perhaps He'Ll Never Again

Perhaps he'll never again on a sunlit evening in May
Cimb and stand on the hill above the woodland from here so far away
And watch and hear the brown lark singing a small speck in the sky
The songster of the mountain to sing he has to fly,

We Can Only Live In The Here And Now

We cannot live in the future the future of us is ahead
And the past has gone forever though memories of it are not dead
We can only live in the here and now though the clock keeps ticking on
And the future we don't know about and the past forever gone

The Unsociable Fellow

Feel lucky if he says hello if him you do meet
The unsociable fellow who lives on our street
'Tis a huge effort for him just to say good day
He always does seem stuck for something to say

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