Francis Duggan Poems

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The One Who Feeds All Life Forms

The one who feeds all life forms and this includes me and you
What we do to our Earth Mother to our own selves we do
Since she is the one who does feed all
Of us humans as well as all people from the great to the small

Hope For The Better

It well may be the saddest time of your life
For the love of another man forsaken by your wife
With her she took your children and moved out of town
You have every reason to feel mentally down

Mentally Painful

The truth can be mentally painful when to some it is told
But the one who speaks the truth is daring and bold
For the one who publishes the truth there can be a huge consequence
Especially when governments see it as a federal offense

Good And Bad Governments

Good governments unite people and bad governments people divide
Those who voted against them good governments try to woo to their side
Since division is bad for the Country they come to realize
The leaders in good governments are pragmatic and wise

Human Life Comes With

Human life comes with the good and the bad
Moments of laughter and times of feeling sad
Not every day can be a happy day
As life goes on and time ticks away

Than Money And Fame

There is more to life than money and fame
Though to many these two are important just the same
For so many do daydream of wealth and renown
Of being known and revered far beyond their hometown

The Pride Of Macroom

She was a rare beauty in her physical prime
But this is going back many Seasons in time
Beauty is quick to fade beyond it's full bloom
And she is no longer the Pride of Macroom

Their Name Of Golden Whistler

I feel lucky every day in the beauty i do see
A beautiful bird singing on a sunlit tree
In beautiful colours black, white and gold
So beautiful to listen to and so lovely to behold

This Is One Reason

That we are born to die it is obviously clear
But it is only the fear of death that we do fear
Even those who believe for the soul of a life after bodily death
Will struggle for life in their last living breath

Mushera Today

The weather slightly chilly and windy and behind clouds of gray
The sun at times from sight is hidden away
Which is not unusual for the southern May
But the birds they are singing in Mushera today

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