Francis Duggan Poems

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Do Not Take Yourself Too Seriously Time Does Tick On Fast

Do not take yourself too seriously time does tick on fast
And every day lived one nearer to your last
The seconds of our lives keep on ticking away
And every day lived one nearer to our last day

A Bit Of A Poet

At the poetry reading he was introduced by the m c for the evening as a bit of a poet
Which perhaps means that he is one of lesser literary note
Than the other poets to read were which seemed quite insulting to him to me
As his poems were well written and well read by him and did not lack in quality

My Positive Acquaintance

My positive acquaintance does keep telling me
That i can become anything that i wish for to be
But i tell him the truth when i say i do not have a hope
Of winning an Olympic Gold medal or becoming the Vatican's Pope

Old Jack O

Eventually we all become victims of time
Old Jack O a great athlete in his life's prime
The years of living on his body does show
The man who once ran fast is now walking slow

Mushera Shaggy

A big brindle son of Shaggy Lad and Mushera Farloe
I remember Mushera Shaggy from many Seasons ago
Owned and bred by Maurice and Kathy Finnegan of Mushera four miles from Millstreet Town
In his prime this great track and coursing greyhound in Ireland reached the status of canine renown

The Day Koroit Won The Flag

It did give their loyal fans a just reason to brag
The day that Koroit won the Premiership flag
Followed by a week of celebrations in Mickey Bourke's and the Commercial Hotel
From such big wins the publicans do financially well

Why Tell Me About It When I Already Know

Why tell me about it when i already know
That money on bushes and trees does not grow
And if this did happen would you not agree
For anyone no shortage of money and how great this would be

Few Writers Of The World

Few writers of the World do make writing pay
But most writers do write something new every day
In the hope of writing something that will live as great
Humans are born it does seem to create

Like Many I Have

Like many i have to cope with inner strife
And like many i have walked the tough roads of life
And like many of the aging i do battle on
Though our best days in life in the forever gone

Australia's First People In Australia

The ways of their culture we do not understand
The very first people of this great Southern Land
For the brown outback they know how to care
And of the needs of Nature they seem far more aware

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