Francis Duggan Poems

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Those Who Laugh Last Laugh The Loudest

You may be the butt of others jokes and at you they may scoff
But you can one day prove them wrong all of those who write you off
And though you may never get the credit the credit you are due
That those who laugh last laugh the loudest as ever does seem true,

The Beautiful Azalea

The beautiful azalea is a woody shrub that never grows into a tree
But the pink flowers on the azalea are so beautiful to see
In the cool to warm days of October when Spring is in the air
And beautiful Mother Nature flowers on her green cloak wear,

The Brave Willy Wagtail

Nearby on a low branch of a wattle tree
A little black and white bird that i often see
In the early sunlight just after daybreak
His familiar song one could never mistake.

Sean O Riordan

The quiet man from Kilcorney we recall
He loved the games of Hurling and Gaelic Football
A Patron of the Millstreet G A A
And a quiet achiever in his own quiet way.

A Goldfinch Is Singing

The beauty of Nature the joys of the Spring
In that scrubby place where the goldfinches sing
Their songs of November on the sapling trees
That sway to and fro in the freshening breeze

Of Greed And Corruption

Of greed and corruption we are all too aware
It's happening in your suburb and the big World out there
Many in high places into corporate crime
And more honorable than them in jail serving time

The Journey Through Life

For the wealthy and famous and the stranger to fame
The journey through life it will end much the same
For everyone born there is a last day
The clock on our lives it keeps ticking away.

Once Friends We'Ve Grown Apart

Once friends we've grown apart the past has gone
But like 'tis said of life that life goes on
They have forged new friendships that does suit me fine
Their interests are so different to mine

One Can Only Try To Be A Better Person

One can only try to be a better person and hurtful things of or to others never do say
And never no never do make fun of others and if you can do one good deed every day
Remember you or I not the only people on this Planet there is more to life than me, myself and I
The greatest of people are born to be mortals we live for awhile and eventually die

Our Ordinary Heroes

Our ordinary heroes wave their National flag
And of their patriotism so proudly they brag
By their type so often dreams of peace are destroyed
So much for the fervour of Nationalistic pride.

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