Francis Duggan Poems

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Margaret Barrett

To her children Margaret was a good mother and to the late great Millstreet Gaelic Footballer Dick Barrett a good wife
In Millstreet Town she had seen many sunsets as she was a woman who was granted a long life
The Barretts they were well known Millstreet drapers and through their business Margaret was well known
Of the Town one of the senior citizens and of her it can be said she was one of Millstreet's Own

No Longer The Foe

As a boy i heard so many stories of Duhallow and Sliabh Luachra's freedom fighting men
Of the ambush that took place in Headford and the heroes of Tureengarriffe Glen
But the enemy of Ireland in those days today is a friend not a foe
And Ireland has changed much since those times since that was a long time ago

Had I A Choice To Be Reborn

Had i a choice to be reborn i would like to be one like Pele of Brazil
A legendary World famed footballer of charisma and amazing football skill
With so many female admirers and thousands of fans chanting my name
A hero to football fans Worldwide in the World's greatest field game

A Long Way North Of Koroit

A long way north of Koroit in Victoria near the coastal City of Warrnambool
To Millstreet Town in old Duhallow where i went to primary school
In years going back close to six decades and time as ever ticking on
And all i have left are the memories of Seasons in the forever gone

In Many Countries

In many Countries in the World today
Many good people in prison for a long stay
People lawfully not guilty of any crime
At the pleasure of the Government locked up for no given set of time

Though It Has Taken Me Far South

Though it has taken me far south of Millstreet Town
My journey in life has not taken me to renown
And though i have never witnessed a miracle at Tubrid's Holy Well
Of my adventures i do have some stories to tell

Old Johnny

I recall a song from my younger years 'it's a small world after all'
But old Johnny who has traveled widely will tell you the World is far from small
He has seen a lot of Australia driven on the coastal highway and across the outback
A man who has seen more than most have and in travel stories he does not lack

Born Not Made

It is said about poets that they are born not made
And their published words from memory never fade
And though good poets are not uncommon great poets are few
You may say to this do tell us what is new

I Write Rhyme

I write rhyme but i cannot claim to be a poet
Just one more not seen to be worthy of note
But that i do enjoy rhyming i cannot deny
And why i go on rhyming this the reason why

Con Keane

In his prime years Con Keane was handsome dark haired and tall
But news of his sudden death must have come as a surprise to all
Who knew of or did know him Con to many was well known
Since his friends in Duhallow in numbers had grown

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