Francis Duggan Poems

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The Old Shearer Ed

Though like all others he has a life story to tell
It will never be published in book form to sell
In his prime years the top shearer in many a shearing shed
Time has caught up on the old shearer Ed

Joe And June

To the scythe of life's reaper we eventually will fall
It is a young person's World after all
Old Joe in his local pub can only talk of the past
But only memories of what was for him does last

Why Should You Give Away

Though yours it will never become a great name
And for doing it you never will receive money or will not know of fame
Despite of what others of you does say
Your favorite hobby do not give away

In The Mostly Sunny Blue Sky

In the sunny mostly blue sky just a few clouds of gray
It is such a beautiful January day
Not too warm or too cool of around twenty degrees
And the balmy air full of the buzzing of bush flies and bees

Is Rather Tough

Life for so many people is tough day to day
Nothing that's easy seems to come their way
Having to work hard for low take home pay
Life choices mostly for well off people only true to say

Autocratic Murderous Dictators

Why should they be remembered because of them millions of people did die
That evil people should be forgotten in truth is not a lie
Since such people are not even worthy of the title of ill fame
Yet today they are remembered for their awful crimes of shame

Mrs Lilliam Mcdee

In her mid forties and seemingly carefree
Proud as a mother and a wife can be
Of her husband John and their offspring Lee
The ever seemingly happy Mrs Lillian McDee

Seems So Unfair

It is true we all breathe in the polluted air
But life for so many people seems so unfair
So many of the less fortunate are doing it quite tough
And no shortage of the homeless and hungry and those sleeping rough

So Unfair

It is true we all breathe in the polluted air
But life for so many people seems so unfair
So many of the less fortunate are doing it quite tough
And no shortage of the homeless and hungry and those sleeping rough

First People

Their ancestral myths and legends forever will grow
Yet so little of their history we can claim of to know
Their ancestors had lived in Australia for thousands of years
Until the arrival of the people from the Northlands brought them sorrow and tears

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