Francis Duggan Poems

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Of Nature We Are

It is a fact of life and fact never lie
We are born of a woman eventually to die
Like all other life forms for us there's an end
We are only mere mortals why otherwise pretend

The Old Murray River

Near the sea in South Australia the Murray River flows brown
Through the old and dry countryside by Tailem Bend Town
A river that has flowed for centuries before the dinosaur time
And has been the inspiration of story and rhyme

A Lovely Spring Day

In the clear blue sky woolly looking clouds of gray
The sun it is shining on a lovely Spring day
A high of a warm enough 28 degrees
With only the faintest sign of a slight breeze.

Still I Do Enjoy Penning Verses

For years as an amateur rhymer i have penned a whole heap of rhyme
Since back in the early nineteen seventies when i was in my life's prime
I have been addicted to rhyming long before time left me feeling and looking older and gray
An addiction that will surely be with me right up till my last night and day

On Radovan Karadzic

Radovan Karadzic he will die in jail
As a human being he is one who did fail
For his crimes against humanity in Bosnia the price he does pay
In prison he will spend his last night and day

It Is Said About

It is said about writers that they are born not made
Though some from the memory are quite quick to fade
And some to their disappointment never make the grade
Yet every writer is needed in the wordsmith trade

They Are Birds I See Often

Birds I see often though not every day
Galahs the cockatoos in feathers of pink and gray
Their calling in flight is quite pleasant to hear
And though not very shy of human beings they are cautious and hold a healthy fear

In Memory I Never Left

In memory i never left west of Millstreet
And the green rushy fields where the waterways meet
And in fancy i often does hear the birds sing
In a leafy grove in the prime of the Spring

You Have Heard Many Similar Stories Before

You have heard many similar stories before
His girlfriend is twenty he is seventy four
Together hand in hand they walk up and down
The concrete pathway in the park of the town

I Write Because

I write I do not know for wealth or fame
And not even one mention of my name
And there is little reason to my rhyme
And I feel lost and years beyond my prime.

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