Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Homeless And Hungry

Their circumstance of birth is their greatest foe
The children who will never know of a fair go
The journey from poverty street for many ends in jail time
Since poverty, homelessness and hunger are life paths to crime

On Joe Hockey's 2015 Budget

Joe Hockey the Government Treasurer tries to convince every Australian his 2015 budget is fair
But many seem to realize that big Joe talks a lot of hot air
Much of his 2014 federal budget in Parliament failed to pass
As it was perceived to be biased against Australia's underclass

Karma Will One Day

Violence begets violence why otherwise pretend
And many who do partake in it meet with a bad end
What we sow in life can become our due
I only say here what happens to be true

In Illowa Today

The sky above the coastal Lands looking gloomy and gray
And the sun behind rain clouds from view hiding away
The weather changes quickly in late Fall in May
It is cool and windy in Illowa today

A Down To Earth Person

As we know the pretentious are quite subject to self conceit
But the down to earth people are always a pleasure to meet
Other than who they are they never pretend to be
Of snobbery and self importance they are quite free


The last dog i had Jedder was her name
And life for awhile for me without her not quite the same
My friend and companion for close to thirteen years
The day that she died i was reduced to tears

Who Knows When I Will

Who knows when i will reach my last night and day
Though having this said in truth i can say
For as long as i live with rhyming words i will continue for to play
Since i feel no desire to give rhyming away

Good News Out Of Millstreet

Good news out of Millstreet Sean Radley health-wise now okay
He has recovered from his setback on Patrick's Day
At such very good tidings many will rejoice
To get well soon wishes to Sean i too do lend my voice

It Is Part Of Life

It is part of life to eventually die
But the thought of death scares me of this i will not lie
Doubtless fear of death comes from fear of the unknown
On my thinking on this i am not on my own

Mrs X Used To Say

Mrs X used to say a decade ago
The future is looking bright for my son Joe
Mark my words he will grow into a famous man
Though most things in life never do go to plan

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