Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Compared To Most I Feel So Lucky

Compared to most I feel so lucky I never have known hunger pain
I've always had a warm bed to sleep in and I've never slept out in the rain
In a World where millions are homeless and millions live in poverty
I am one of the lucky people one of the privileged minority.

Colette The Whale

Colette the baby leviathan her brief life was a tragic tale
She did not grow into an adult and become a giant marine humpback whale
She was forsaken by her mother for what reason who is to know
At the many mysteries of Nature one's wonderment only does grow.

Australia's First People

They survived colonization and that's not an idle brag
We honour the people and honour their flag
The red, black and yellow flag that takes pride of place
In the hearts and the minds of Australia's first race

Cruel To Be Kind Or Kind To Be Cruel

I do not believe in the saying that one to be kind must be cruel
Though such a phrase suits those who abuse their rule
The logic in this I do struggle to find
How can anybody who is cruel be kind?

A Person I'Ve Heard Of

Feel free if you wish to criticize what I write
But do not tell me I should not email my verse to a poetry site
As one arrogant person told me as much a short while ago
In their attitude towards others some their ignorance show.

Poor Homeless Dan

Sitting drinking wine in the park him I'll never more see
Though he'll live 'til I die in my memory
He now rests in peace all is quiet where he lay
There he will not feel the cold on a cold night or day

In Fancy I Hear The Lark At Break Of Day

The foothills of Clara from here far away
But in fancy I hear the lark at break of day
Above the heather and bracken carolling as he does fly
Before the sun shines in the gray morning sky

Henry Brown

He lived in Kilnamartyra not far from Macroom Town
And though I did know his sisters Eileen and Noreen Brown
I never did meet Henry though of him I did know
He was a famed road bowler going back some time ago

There's None Of Us Perfect

There's none of us perfect one hundred per cent right
Our demons in life we are called on to fight
The most perfect of people are flawed in some way
Do you think that this is a fair thing to say?

The Mother Is Left For To Grieve For Her Son

The war it is over the battle is won
But the mother is left for to grieve for her son
For the rest of her life she will bear her sorrow cross
And victory in war won't ease her sense of loss

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