Francis Duggan Poems

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Do Not Pity Those

Do not pity those in the ground of the dead
Since they are at peace now of them that can be said
Their worries behind them and at peace they lay
Like leaves of the Autumn in Nature's decay

We Are What We Think

Do you ever ask yourself what life is about
And your worth as a person do you ever doubt
Or are you one of those buoyed by high self esteem?
We are what we think we are that's how it does seem.

I Had This Great Dream

I had this great dream that I was a poet
A man seen as worthy of literary note
A winner of many a literary prize
My success to me even quite a surprise

Warrnambool Town

Many different races and colours of white, black and brown
Are happy to call home to old Warrnambool Town
A place with a proud history for to recall
Where the majority believe on a fair go for all.

It Takes A Special Person

'Tis easy for the winner for to have a smiling face
But it takes a special person to accept defeat with grace
To congratulate the winner with a smile and say well done
There can only be one winner when the prize is to be won

The Blackbird Is Singing

The blackbird is singing in the twilight gray
In a long gone Spring I heard his kin bird in a wood far away
Singing in the rain on a breezy Spring day
When the hawthorns were wearing their pale blooms of the May

The Dying Cry Of A Hare

Out there in the darkness the dying cry of a hare
It pierces the silence of the calm night air
Then silence as the vixen she makes her way
To her den to share with her cubs the meat of her prey

No Matter What

Whatever your skin pigment black, white or brown
Where-ever you come from and whatever town
From somewhere that's near or from here very far
We are only human that is all we are.

A Whole Heap Of Stuff

I have written a whole heap of stuff
Some of it average some slipshod and rough
Since I was in my life's prime
Thirty five years back in time

The Beijing Olympic Games Are Over

The Beijing Olympic games are over for that I won't weep
So much talk about them and such talk is cheap
China won the most gold medals that is their proud boast
But to such an achievement I won't drink a toast.

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