Francis Duggan Poems

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Connie Coakley

He is that sort of likeable character who inspire bards to rhyme
As a young man he went to live in England and in England he spent his prime
But he returned to live in Millstreet where the Finnow waters flow
Nostalgia stronger far than wanderlust as Connie ought to know.

Old Joe

Old Joe who lives on our street he is an Englishman
His father fought in the war in Ireland he was a Black and Tan
In nineteen nineteen and nineteen twenty eighty five years ago
His Dad long with the departed and time catching up on Joe.

Hanna Lucey

She was in her seventies when I was a young man
And she is still around today her's is a lengthy span
The evergreen Hanna Lucey the late Jim the Doctor's wife
And the mother of the likeable Seamus has been granted a long life.

The Boys And Girls I Went To School With

The boys and girls I went to school with from me now far away
And even some of them not living now where the dead are they lay
And in distant flights of fancy I fancy I see them yet
And them I still remember and them I won't forget.

Brushtail Possums

By day they sleep in the ceiling and at twilight as darkness cloak the skies
Upon the galvanize roof they make a lot of noise
As they walk across and on to the porch roof and climb over-hanging branch of gum tree
When it is waking time for brushtail possums it is supper time for me.

We Should Be More Like Davies

We ought to be more like the great poet William Henry Davies take time to stand and stare
Instead we worry about life and hurry here and there
We stress about our jobs and about our bills to pay
And yet we're getting older and our time clock ticks away.

Those Known As The Fringe Dwellers

They live on the social fringes like outsiders looking in
Those known as the Fringe Dwellers those not destined to win
In a World of haves and have nots as have nots they remain
Seen as under achievers many must lose for some to gain.

Mo Mowlam

Mo Mowlam was a clever politician far brighter than her ex boss Tony Blair
She brokered a peace deal between Sinn Fein and the Ulster Loyalists in Northern Ireland, people like her have always been so rare
She did what many people thought impossible the broken dream of Irish peace she did repair
She believed in the courage of her convictions and she succeeded where others might despair

We'Ll Drink A Toast

We'll drink a toast to the bra burners and the noble suffragette
The Emily Pankhurst's of this World we ought not to forget
She died under horses hooves a martyr for Womens Rights
In the history of Womankind one of the leading lights.

Big Joe Is On The Water Waggon

He is on the water waggon big Joe who loved his beer
He hasn't tasted alcohol since around this time last year
Too late to save his marriage but suppose such is life
His lovely ex spouse Miranda is now some one else's wife.

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