Francis Duggan Poems

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Sean Radley For Dublin

Sean Radley bound for Dublin with some of his L T V back up team
For to present The Late Late Show a thing of which some can only dream
With his story researcher Mary Kelleher, cameras Ita and William Fitzgerald and one in Millstreet's Hall of Fame
None other than Eily Buckley her's is a widely known name

On Sean Radley

Sean Radley bound for Dublin with some of his L T V back up team
For to present The Late Late Show a thing of which some can only dream
With his story researcher Mary Kelleher, cameras Ita and William Fitzgerald and one in Millstreet's Hall of Fame
None other than Eily Buckley her's is a widely known name

On Seeing A Centipede

A strange little critter to look at indeed
It does have more legs than it does seem to need
As it crawls in the grass it's fastest pace very slow
Though little of it's way i can claim to know

In This Bureaucratic Governed World

In this bureaucratic governed Human World the greedier seem to thrive
Whilst the millions of have nots struggle to survive
A thousand poor for every millionaire
The distribution of wealth as ever seems unfair

They Are A Unique Breed

They are a unique breed the judgemental kind
They seek flaws in others and flaws they do find
It takes all sorts to make up humanity as some like to say
Suppose they cannot help it if they are this way

A Unique Breed

They are a unique breed the judgemental kind
They seek flaws in others and flaws they do find
It takes all sorts to make up humanity as some like to say
Suppose they cannot help it if they are this way

You Weep For Yourself

I recall a wise person to me once said
We grieve for ourselves when we grieve for the dead
We grieve for a love and a friendship to us lost
That to our feelings does come at a huge personal cost

You Grieve For Yourself

I recall a wise person to me once said
We grieve for ourselves when we grieve for the dead
We grieve for a love and a friendship to us lost
That to our feelings does come at a huge personal cost

We Grieve For Ourselves

I recall a wise person to me once said
We grieve for ourselves when we grieve for the dead
We grieve for a love and a friendship to us lost
That to our feelings does come at a huge personal cost

I Recall A Wise Person To Me Once Said

I recall a wise person to me once said
We grieve for ourselves when we grieve for the dead
We grieve for a love and a friendship to us lost
That to our feelings does come at a huge personal cost

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