Francis Duggan Poems

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Howard's Battlers Are Not Battlers

This Country is divided or so 'twould seem to me
Between the haves and have nots and would you not agree
That most of those known as Howard's battlers are middle to upper middle class
Those who have never felt so hungry that they have felt like eating grass.

The Cowardliest Of The Cowardly

Those who take hostages and behead them are the cowardliest of men
For their cause in this way sympathy they cannot hope to win
For themselves they sow the worst of foredoom if for their heinous crimes they do not pay
Then the bad karma they've sown for themselves will catch up with them one day.

Jim J

Jim J he complains he is hard done by life
His once best mate young Michael makes love to his wife
She has filed for a divorce their marriage at an end
He trusted his wife and he trusted his friend.

A Rhyme Of Innocence

I believed there was a heaven beyond the sky
Where all good souls go to on the day they die
And that hell was for those who murder, cheat and lie
But that was years back when I was a young boy.

The Wander Bug Still In Him

He left Eden in the early seventies and he hit the wandering track
And to the sea side Town of Southern New South Wales he never did go back
He has been in many Countries for adventure he still long
And the restless bug of wander is alive in him and strong.

In Pleasant Flights Of Fancy

In pleasant flights of fancy so melodious and clear
In the high woodlet by the hill the robin's song I hear
In the greyness of the morning perched on a silver birch tree
So beautiful to listen to and so beautiful to see.

I Won'T Be Contemplating Suicide

If George W Bush gets re-elected I won't be contemplating suicide
Though far too many due to him have suffered and have died
It should not be up to John Kerry or anyone else for Bush's damage to repair
For to soothe the anger in Iraq it will take more than prayer.

The Dog Of Despair Is With You

The dog of despair is with you and from you won't go away
And you feel the World's against you and you're having a bad day
But you are not the only one to feel this way I once heard a wise woman say
That for every worry we know as we age a hair of gray.

To The Finnow

Flow on Finnow river down by Millstreet Town
The sound of your whisper the singing birds drown
In your crystal waters the little trout dream
And the fields all around you are peaceful and green.

A Memory Of The Wood By Mushera Mountain

I cut down trees in wood by Mushera mountain
Where in the snow the sheep of hunger died
In Winter 'twas a bleak and barren country
But Spring brought beauty to that mountain side.

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