Francis Duggan Poems

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Rosy May

A plump and round faced woman in her early forties with shoulder length brown hair that's turning gray
The best loved person in the neighbourhood the happy go lucky Rosy May
Her husband is Bert they have three school going children two girls and a younger boy
A very happy family and the gift of life they do seem to enjoy.

Rhyme Verse Is As Dead As The Dodo

Literary trends like the Seasons keep changing the old style songs no longer sung
And rhyme verse is as dead as the dodo too old to be loved by the young
Some say to me change your style of writing or if not give doggerelizing away
Success I've not gained though I've tried hard perhaps I should heed what they say.

These So Called Wonderful Positive People

These so called wonderful positive people they talk of the things you can do
They tell you that you can make choices as if it were all up to you
If you should be poor or be wealthy they say 'tis for you to decide
I do feel that they are like a pain though I'd rather not say in what side.

Yearning For Semaphore

The saltwater waves blue in the sunshine gently laps on the sandy shore
Far distant in sunny South Australia in beautiful old Semaphore
The lure of his Hometown is beckoning he's not been back for three years or more
In the Sem park with his mates he played cricket the cheers rang when runs he did score.

I'Ve Been Called Worse Things Than A Rhymer

I've been called worse things than a rhymer and worse things than that one might name
The poets are those who write the poetry the poets are those who know of fame
I suffer of compulsive obsession compulsion to pen doggerel
The stuff I write long out of fashion the rhymes I make I cannot sell.

John Masefield Was England's Poet Laureate

John Masefield was England's Poet Laureate when I sat on the dunce's stool
In the class room by the road to Clara in Millstreet's old Primary School
One of the last great rhyme men of literature to the Reaper he has long gone
But long poems such as Reynard the Fox and The Everlasting Mercy and Dauber as testimony to his greatness live on.

Gray Haired Dave

Gray haired Dave in the house at the corner I often see him on the Street
He says I am an ex Policeman to everybody that he meet
Perhaps he has got a big ego or he is low in self esteem
And he needs the approval of others at least that is how it would seem.

In This World

In this World there are all sorts of people the timid and bashful and shy
The arrogant and the deceptive those who find it easy for to cheat and to lie
We all share a few things in common we live for awhile and we die
Though our different personalities make us interesting are they any different to I?

I Only Have Cause To Be Happy

The lorikeets on the flowering gums chirping the silver gulls call in the Bay
The sun through the gray clouds is peeping it sure is a beautiful day
The noisy miners chirp around their borders aggressive and noisy by Nature and name
The rivalry between different bird species is for real but in the Human World it is the same.

Spring Is Now In The Green Northlands

On the grassy bank of the old stream buttercups are blooming
And on the ditch by the Bohreen snowdrops in their petals of white
And primroses in their light yellows and bluebells so lovely and blue

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