Francis Duggan Poems

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Kindness Begets Kindness

Kindness begets kindness as the wise one did say
And i am lucky in that i meet kind people every day
Though apart in my ways from some i have grown
I cannot say a bad person i ever have known

This Is Beyond Me To Explain

We pass each other in silence when walking the street
The people i know by sight that i would rather not meet
Of me it does seem they do feel the same way
To each other we do have nothing to say

A Wet August Day In Koroit

The sky overcast looking gloomy and gray
It is cool, windy and raining in Koroit today
A forecast high of seven and a low of zero degrees
And water dripping off of the branches of the Parkland trees

Old Jimmy Has Become A Victim Of Time

Close to five decades beyond his life's prime
Old Jimmy has become a victim of time
But age does not lessen his liking for beer
And he remains partial to the pot of cheer

Why Harbor A Grudge

It may be hard to forget and as hard to forgive
But why harbor a grudge for as long as you live
Let bygones be bygones as the wise one did say
And free your mind of hatred that cause soul decay

A Fair Go In Life

A fair go in life everybody is due
And that racism is born of ignorance happens to be true
Good and bad in all races and in every creed
And red is the blood everyone of us bleed


Declan says of himself i am not a patriot of that i won't lie
For flag or for country i never would die
I do not wish to be one of the heroic dead
I hope for a long and a happy life of me ahead

Is That In Itself

She may never make the cover of New Idea
But one of the town's unsung is a heroine to me
The one who does many good deeds every day
She works for the town's homeless without any pay

You Never Hear Him Say

You never hear him say that life is unfair
The one who does smile in the face of despair
Out of work with a wife and two young children with his home mortgage to pay
Many worse off than me with a smile he does say

For To Make The World Better

For to make the World better to live in
Gold medals or medals for bravery you do not have to win
By being kind to others and practicing live and let live
And past wrongs against you be willing to forgive

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