Francis Duggan Poems

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His Pick Up Line

In the Golf Club Barroom he buys the Miss a wine
Any plans for the weekend he uses his 'pick up line'
To one the first time he had spoken to though he had seen her on the street
She thinks this so nice of him he seems rather sweet.

Of Their Own Importance

Of their own importance they seem all too aware
Men with big egos as we know never have been rare
When to others they feel superior themselves they delude
They don't know how to be nice though they know how to be rude.

Are You In Your Earthly Hell

Are you in your Earthly Hell and your moods all black
And you feel that lady luck has passed you by and on you turned her back
Out of work and out of hope things not going your way
Can tomorrow be much worse than it is today?

You Never Stop Learning Though You Are Old And Gray

You never stop learning though you are old and gray
From Life and Nature we learn something new every day
Though of Nature's ways little we do seem to know
And our wonder of her only does seem to grow

Out There In The Townpark

Out there in the Townpark in the dead of night
On the moonlit gum trees male brush tail possums snarl and fight
The winner claims the territory and the right to with the females mate
In Nature the biggest and the strongest the one to procreate

Your Worth As A Person

Your worth as a person you constantly doubt
And you feel you've nothing to feel happy about
Your wife has left you and taken the children and with her new lover she sleep
And you feel better karma you deserve to reap.

To Win You Must Be In

We know that in life there are no guarantees
And we know that money does not grow on the trees
But like it is said to win you must be in
And there is always hope of a big lotto win

''Tis Not Of Love Or Love Of Song'

'Tis not of love or love of song the male bird ever sing
Or any sense of happiness for to celebrate the Spring
His song born of aggression with borders to defend
In his war cry to his own kind he is not one to pretend

Jimmy In His Seventies

Jimmy an old bloke I do know is grieving for his wife
In their fifty years of marriage they enjoyed a happy life
Last Spring Annie died of cancer in her seventy fourth year
She may be in eternal rest but her spirit to him near

The Poor Growing In Numbers

A thousand poor people for every millionaire
The poor of the World have their crosses to bear
In climate change more economic refugees
Low lying Countries now threatened by the rising seas

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