Francis Duggan Poems

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A Stranger To Many In Millstreet Today

With most of the people there that i would meet
Today i would be a stranger in Claraghatlea and the Town of Millstreet
A stranger to many in Inchaleigh and Annagloor
Absence from home in many ways has left me feeling more poor

A Stranger To Many In

With most of the people there that i would meet
Today i would be a stranger in Claraghatlea and the Town of Millstreet
A stranger to many in Inchaleigh and Annagloor
Absence from home in many ways has left me feeling more poor

Today It Is Warm

Today it is warm some thirty eight degrees
And warmth in the sunshine and warmth in the breeze
The calendar Autumn just five sleeps away
For so late in summer a very warm day

Great People Indeed

Since any act of kindness is never too small
Kindness shown to me by others with joy i recall
Though not wealthy i feel lucky in every other way
Since kind hearted people i meet every day

Ruth Pitter

Ruth Pitter from Ilford a laureate of rhyme
Her verses live on through the Seasons of time
Though her poems are not quite as popular as they ought to be
As a poet she was not what you would call ordinary

This Is How It Is And It Has Always Been This Way

For any woman or for any man
A century of years is quite a long life span
It is way above the human life average of three score and ten
And women by a few years known to outlive men

Looks Can Deceive As Some Are Known To Say

One would swear butter would not melt in his mouth
But the secret he hid from the world it is out
That he often went home from the pub and knocked his wife about
By the court found guilty of assault beyond reasonable doubt

On Seeing Photos Of Hawaii

The beautiful photos i have seen of Hawaii
I can only dream of such beauty since a dreamer am i
It is true of the camera it never does lie
I would love to live there to grow old there and die

When I Look In My Mind

When i look in my mind don't like the hidden me
I'm not the type of person i would like myself to be
Others can be our reflection would you not agree
What we dislike in others in our own selves we see

Your Teary Eyed Day

Have you ever experienced your teary eyed day
When tears from your eyelids will not go away
As you think of the happy times that used to be
And of dear friends you knew that you'll never more see

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