Francis Duggan Poems

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Memories For To Retain

Financially wise i have never done well
And of adventures i do not have many stories to tell
But i have heard the brown lark singing in the gray sky
As i eat whortleberries on Clara on an evening in July

The Child Born Without Eyes

The human will to succeed in the face of adversity never ceases to surprise
Three years old Jacob Nowak from Millstreet the child born without eyes
About to start pre school and in life progressing quite well
His story if written in book form millions of copies should sell

How I Spend My Time

How i spend my time no one's business but mine
The life i live now seems to suit me just fine
Not materially successful i pen doggerel rhyme
Though many see that as a waste of good time

Old Memories Die Hard As Some Do Like To Say

In my memory i can scent the new mowed hay
And i can hear and see the robin on a warm Summer's day
Singing on a high branch of a sunlit birch tree
And Nature in bloom everywhere around me

Before We Did Walk

Before we did walk on the floor we did crawl
And a similar fate does await us all
In that at the end of our life's journey the body does die
The same for the billionaire as you and i

A Fair Go To Everyone

A fair go to anyone we ought not to deny
And a fair go to everyone ought to apply
No matter your religion or culture or race
For discrimination in the Human World there ought not to be a place

For A Lifetime Of Devotion

For a lifetime of devotion to their owners little in return they do need
Just a few kind words every day a few pats and a feed
For loyalty and unconditional love on them you can depend
Than your dog you do not have a truer friend

The Memories Remain With Me

The memories remain with me of the places i have been
And the people i have met and the beauty i have seen
We physically age every year past our prime
But the best of good memories live on in time

You May Have Been Found To Be Wanting

You may have been found to be wanting when put to the test
But in fairness you did try your very best
And though your best was not good enough at least not this time around
To lose in a good way as you did there is honor to be found

Peter P

I told Peter P of the beauty i had seen
Of bracken clad mountains above valleys of green
Of unpolluted river and clear flowing rill
With the babbling tongue that has never been still

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