Francis Duggan Poems

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I Know She Will Be There Forever

I know she will be there forever the one older than father time
The one who has inspired the artists and inspired the writers to song, story and rhyme
Old in the age of the dinosaurs and that was a long time ago
How old is she that's a good question that is not for humans to know.

We Need More Love And Understanding Of Others

We need more love and understanding of others in the World we live in today
Materialism and greed for money is the cause of spiritual decay
The gap between the haves and the have nots keeps widening and too many live in poverty
How can you feel love if you are hungry and homeless love doesn't bloom amongst penury

This Doesn'T Seem Fair At All

He sits drinking from his bottle of cheap wine out of the sun in the shade of the cypress tree
The old homeless man in the parkland a better man than me
His devoted wife passed on six years ago to compound his poverty
And he became homeless when the landlord raised his rent by twenty per cent how heartless some can be

Compared To Some My Worries

Compared to some my worries to say the least seem small
In fact I don't have any reason for to complain at all
I could be one of the homeless without enough to eat
And sleeping in a disused factory off of Poverty Street

I Only Have Memories Of Christmas

I only have memories of Christmas of the Christmases I used to know
When Clara by the Town of Millstreet wore his hat of December snow
And the bare fields and bare woods were echoing to the harsh caws of the silver back crow
And down from the Boggeragh Ranges the cold winds of December blow

Weep For Yourself Instead

If I should die tomorrow don't waste your tears on me
Save your tears for your own self and your mortality
I will have had my innings and life it will go on
Millions far better than me to the ways of time have gone

Rhyme As Prose

Some people now refer to rhyme as prose
That's how they see it one has to suppose
Between verse and doggerel the meaning they do miss
But then with their sort ignorance is bliss.

A Rare Breed

The successful person who is free of conceit
Is surely a person I would like to meet
For his or her sort of person to say the least rare
Not often one does meet a down to earth billionaire

Just An Old Tree

On Nature and life scientists may disagree
But On our attitude to Nature our true selves we should see
Can you not see the beauty and value in a fully grown tree
That has lived in the Parkland for a century

I Will Take The Money

In assets quite poor with little cash to my name
I will take the money you can have the fame
Your fame it will not buy you a loaf of bread
No you have the fame I'll have money instead

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