Francis Duggan Poems

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There Are Things In Your Past

There are things in your past you would rather forget
And there are things in your past you will always regret
And there are things in your past you remember with pride
Your past follows you from it you cannot hide

To Make The World Better To Live In

Though time that rusts iron has become my foe
I live as a better person now than i was years ago
In that i am less selfish and spend less time thinking of me
Some of the flaws i have nowadays i can see


An old man the years have left him bald and gray
He only has memories now of far away
And the town where he first looked on the lamp of day
Where many of his life's early friends at peace now do lay

Enjoying Cake And Tea

How nice on a sunny evening enjoying cake and tea
On the balcony of the cafe overlooking the sea
The white waves gently lapping on the sandy shore
A scene of natural beauty that is forever more

You Learn From Life

You learn from life something new every day
And that you never stop learning seems true for to say
And the more you do learn the more you realize
That you do know so little this not a surprise

Port Fairy In July

The sun behind the gray clouds is hidden away
It is breezy and cold in Port Fairy today
The hunger of the Season in the silver gulls cry
In the depths of the Winter in the southern July

A Very Rare Breed

Money speaks every language as the wise one does say
The people with plenty of it control the human World of today
Three quarters of the material wealth of the World owned by a tiny minority
Just two of the reasons for Worldwide inequality and poverty

Fred And Jane

Jane often complains to her friends about her husband Fred
Though they live under the one roof they do not share the same bed
She says apart from their teenage son and daughter any other thing in common they do not share
Of his sexual needs his man friend does take care

He Called Me A Sexist Writer

He called me a sexist writer of cliches and quite lazy as well
With his words he condemned me to the poetasters earthly hell
A poet and a literary critic one who likes to have his say
One quite opinionated some people are this way

Beautiful Memories

The beautiful memories are with me today
Of beautiful places i knew far away
Just after sunset on an evening in Spring
In the leafy groves the wild birds do sing

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