Francis Duggan Poems

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From Listening To Alan Jones

At left wingers he would like to throw bricks and stones
He spends too much time listening to Alan Jones
Those with different views to him he chooses to despise
His kind may grow older but they do not grow wise

Who Can Say In Life

Who can say in life what of us is ahead
We live for a short while and are forever dead
Though we have our life choices as some like to say
Destiny in our lives has a huge part to play

On This October Day

There is a slight chill in the freshening coastal breeze
But a pleasant enough day of around sixteen degrees
Across the blue sky scattered clouds of light gray
And the sun shining bright on this October day

As Jer Long Used To Say

The river at Aubane above Millstreet Town
Is flowing bank high in flood waters of brown
And Mushera behind gray fog hidden away
In the morning of a chilly October Autumn day

The Laughter Of Children A Beautiful Thing

In the park playground children laugh at their play
I used to be like them in a long bygone day
Playing with my young friends many years from our prime
Most of them i have not seen for decades of time

My Friend Asked Me For My Advice

My friend asked me for my advice on a problem he had my thoughts on it to him i gave
I told him the truth on how it seemed to me at such a time one must feel brave
Since i looked upon him as a friend though he did not like my advice
Sometimes your truth when spoken it does seem to you can come at a price

Memories Of What Was In Me

I was born and raised in Claraghatlea to Millstreet Town near
In distance thousands of sky miles north of here
Where to many today mine would be a stranger's face
Most migrants become strangers in their first home-place

You May Call Me A Loser

You may call me a loser or call me what you may
But i can see life's brighter side i do laugh every day
Not much point in complaining or saying that life is unfair
Good luck to every celebrity and to every billionaire

Distinctive In Their Voices The Creatures Of The Night

The night it is calm with the slightest of breeze
The male possums fighting on the moonlit trees
Distinct from domestic dog in the wildness of his or her cry
The hunting fox barking in the paddock nearby

I Hope For

I hope for a peaceful World for to live in
Without any war for to lose or to win
A World without hunger or homelessness or poverty
And a World without even one refugee

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