Francis Duggan Poems

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When Nature's winds grow angry death and destruction they create
Sandy arrived in coastal north eastern America feeling irate
And left death and vast damage and tears and heartbreak
During his hours of uncontrollable violence behind him in his wake

Like All Other Forms

Like all other life forms the great and the small
All things that walk, swim and fly and crawl
And like the great tree of the woodland that eventually does fall
For us humans a last night and day for us all

That Life Is A Tough Journey

That life is a tough journey most surely not a lie
We were born as helpless and helpless we will die
Our youth and prime passes quickly we soon do grow old
And time it does weary the brave and the bold

So Good To Be Living On Such A Nice Day

Sunshine in the blue sky with a few clouds of gray
So nice to be living on such a nice day
The murmur of the surf waves in the distance i do hear
Utopia to this place does seem to be near

Wherever I Go To

Wherever i go to my past goes with me
It is living and breathing in my mind's memory
In the chilly gray dawn to warm herself in a field by Millstreet Town
The hare she is racing in her coat of light brown

When A Claraghatlea Fellow

We are all of the leaves of the one family tree
But with this way of thinking many may disagree
Does an Aussie on paper make an Aussie of me
When a Claraghatlea fellow is all i can be?

Your Dream

Your dream of the big lotto win for you may come true
Since your turn of good luck in your life you are due
All good things come to those who do wait as some like to say
Tonight lady luck may be smiling your way

The Moods Of The Mind

The moods of the mind to us do come and go
And the gulf it can be great between bliss and woe
Have you ever known the feeling of despair
When your circumstances in life to you seemed quite unfair?

Only The Most Arrogant

Only the most arrogant can claim post death of us what lay ahead
We live for a short while and are forever dead
The sheep or the dog or the cow may not know they will die
But are they any less mortal in any way than i?

This Penning Of Rhyme

This penning of rhyme can be a hungry belly game
It is true what is said that one cannot live on fame
As a young man i often daydreamed that i would be a poet
Quite wealthy and famous and of literary note

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