Francis Duggan Poems

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Far South Of The Fields

Far south of the fields just west of the Town of Millstreet
In the green countryside where the waterways meet
In view of the Boggeraghs from here far away
Of life i may well live my last night and day

At The Moyneyana Festival

For music and song in Worldwide renown
Port Fairy of the Moyne Shire the coastal Festival Town
On stage in Fiddlers Green on this sunny January Sunday
For the fans of country music a country band sing and play

Happy To Be Counted Out

Patriotism to many is worth far more than a brag
Those who do wave their pride in their national flag
But if this is what patriotism is all about
Then of such i am happy for to be counted out

You Should Feel Proud

For to meet your very equal one would need to travel far
You should feel proud of the very good person you are
Those in need of helping you do help every day
And to perform your acts of kindness you often go out of your way

Bill Di Blasio

Of their Mayor Bill Di Blasio most New Yorker's feel proud
By the might of the Trump Government he refuses to be cowed
He says against racial profiling New Yorkers will take a stand
In this the greatest City of a great Land

What Is Amazing To One

What is amazing to one to another may seem ordinary
Since from different eyes a different World we do see
Diverse thinking has it's place in humanity
This is how it is and it always will be

Old Nothing To Say

A very old fellow who does not dress well
But he has his own life experiences that to anyone he does not tell
Of the war that he fought in from here far away
Long before you or i first saw the light of day

Moses Unwritten Eleventh Commandment

Moses unwritten eleventh commandment is not hard to recall
Every male and female for herself or himself and god for us all
Take care of your own self as well as your close kin
For to live short of money is always a sin

In The Prime Of May In Annagloor

When the hawthorns look resplendent cloaked in their white blooms of the May
In the leafy groves of Annagloor the birds sing all the day
And contented cattle out of wintering sheds from months of eating silage and hay
Gaining weight on nutritious young grass chewing their cuds do lay

We All Need Ego

We all need ego to survive though the ego in some it is strong
And narcissism is just a word for ego gone wrong
A narcissistic person to self can only relate
Or her or his own self can only celebrate

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