Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Why Should I Wish To Be

Why should i wish to be the wealthiest person in the Moyne Shire
Since i have everything in life i do desire
A roof over my head from the weather a retreat
And i never go hungry without food to eat

Shannaknock's Big Michael Murphy

In my years in Duhallow he was one of the strong men of Millstreet
Against the best in Cork County in sports at weight throwing he did compete
Shannaknock's big Michael Murphy he was a mighty man
In his physical prime of time going back quite a span

Dark Haired Laughing Jim

Feeling happy though the boss knocked back his request for a raise in pay
For him it has been anything but a good day
And though of late his wife left to live with another and with her took their young daughter with her from him
He refuses to allow this to get him feeling down dark haired laughing Jim

I May Be An Internet Rhymer

I may be an internet rhymer a scribbler of mere doggerel
But i too does have my own stories of my journey in life to tell
And i pen rhymes on people and Nature and places i have been to and seen
Too old to worry on the opinions of others of what is or what might have been

The Ageing Grandmother Next Door

A woman in her early fifties she says she is done with men forever more
Since her husband left her for one younger the ageing grandmother next door
Anti ageing creams she does not use her shoulder length hair is a natural gray
She does not wish to make herself attractive for the male kind i am what you see she does say

The Haughty Young Rose Of The Town

Her with the beautiful brown eyes and shoulder length wavy golden hair
A blooming young rose of the old town than her there is none so fair
Oh but she knows she is pretty and when she is walking the street
She seems to say the least haughty and never a pleasure to meet

One Can Say Of Them

One can say of them that they did have their day
Yet some former political leaders like to have their say
In their terms as leaders they failed to impress
Yet their opinions on how the Country should be run in the media they express

Time The Tamer

The most aggressive, strongest and toughest of men time known to tame and mellow
The old bull than the younger bull has a far weaker bellow
Displaced as the leader of the herd by one far younger and stronger
One now in his physical prime who bellows louder and longer

The Yearn For Wander Brought Me Far South

The yearn for wander brought me far south my dreams in life to follow
Perhaps i am the only one where i live today who does hail from old Duhallow
In Illowa in the coastal Moyne shire between Koroit and Warrnambool
Far south by sky from Millstreet Town where i went to Primary school

Man Of Doggerel

Just one more man of doggerel
I write a lot though not that well
With rhyming words one who loves to play
I do write new rhymes every day

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