Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Have Never Harmed Anyone

I have never harmed anyone of which i am aware
So what others say of me why should i much care
I have been referred to by numbers which caused me slight offense
But than take this to heart i do have far more sense

Duhallow In Late October

The fields by the Blackwater River from overnight frost looking gray
And heavy low clouds tell rain not far away
The salmon are swimming up river to spawn
In the chilly silence of an October dawn

Fools Do Rush In

Fools do rush in where angels fear to tread
The sage who first said this is long with the dead
Some people they are quite easily led
Like color blind car driver who cannot tell green from red

As One Of The Opinionated

As one of the opinionated i well may be
But for those doing it tough i do feel sympathy
Like the plants of the un-weeded garden that cannot bloom to flower
The unfortunate victims of the people of power

For Many I Have Been A Rhymer

For many years i have been a rhymer and for far longer a rhyming buff
One of those addicted to rhyming i have penned a whole heap of stuff
And yet i am one who does stand for something and that is a fair go for all
And that is a fair go for everybody i never celebrate another's downfall

Billy O' Shea

The years go by quickly as some like to say
One of the strong boys of the Millstreet Primary School of the late fifties the young Billy O' Shea
Deceased in his mid sixties news of his passing quite sad
He was such a good person in him nothing bad

The Good Mother She Will Stand By Her Daughter And Son

She says my son is a wonderful fellow but she never says how he is serving time
In the big prison in the big city for what is a serious crime
The bank teller he shot in an armed robbery for many weeks was hospitalized
At that he has recovered and is again working the doctors are even surprised

On The Railway Track From Cork To Kerry

On the building of the railway track from Cork to Killarney through the north Cork and east Kerry countryside
It has been said for every sleeper laid that at least one working man died
In the depths of the Irish Winter in weather wild and wet and cold
On the railway track they died in their thousands they were not meant to grow old

A False Image Of Self

In the promotion of the person often referred to as i
Some people from others will steal and to others will lie
For their own financial gain and their own financial success
A false image of self on others they impress

The Seasons To Our Lives Do Come And Do Go

The Seasons to our lives do come and do go
Live as happy as you can be life is too short for woe
On how long one does live is not for one to say
Today in this World may be your last day

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