Francis Duggan Poems

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This Would Be A Lie

For many years i have been a rhyming buff
One of those who has written a whole heap of stuff
Others far more worthy of literary note
Though as a young man i did dream of becoming a poet

The Town's Last Stonemason

He was born and raised in Glasgow from here far away
The town's last stonemason was buried today
He lived to a good age he was ninety three
His stone work will outlive him for more than a century


Many worry of how to others they do appear
Of their own self image they do live in fear
Always concerned of what of them others might think or say
The price for their vanity in this way they do pay

One Of Their Own

One seen to be worthy of fame and deserving of note
The man that the most voters did choose for to vote
To a seat in Parliament on election day
Flawed people can be greatly admired which seems sad to say

Your Roadways Of Life

Your roadways of life can lead you to anywhere
To places in the bigger World out there
Or your roadways of life from your home may never take you far
From where all of the friends you have ever known are

So Good To Be

In the sunny blue sky just a few clouds of gray
So good to be living on a day like today
In the town's parks and gardens countless white butterflies
Such natural beauty in the watchers eyes

As You Possibly Can

The longest lived human life in real time not a long span
On average a few years more for a woman than it is for a man
And though people seem to age quickly and lose their youthful elan
You should live for as long as you possibly can

A Port Fairy Rose

The finest in Port Fairy for her age maybe
Though everyone with this may well not agree
Since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder as the wise one does say
And that beauty has many faces does seem this way

As A Truism Remain

The one with plenty of money never short of a friend
As it speaks every language why otherwise pretend
The old bloke in his eighties has a pretty twenty five years old wife
Though he does not realize it he is not the love of her life

Past It Has Gone

Some tell us from life we receive our due
But others will tell you that this is not true
We learn as we live something new every day
We never stop learning since life is this way

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