Francis Duggan Poems

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Breezy Warrnambool In South West Victoria

The Premier City in Victoria's south west
For it's hospitable people to none second best
Even in the warmest of Summer the sea breeze keeps the air reasonably cool
The coastal rural City of great beauty breezy old Warrnambool

Poetasters Hell

There may be a place for me in poetasters hell
Where with notebook and pen i can write doggerel
Such an after earthly life would suit me okay
Since with rhyming words i am one who does love to play

We Read And Hear Of

We read and hear of the wealthy and famous they are in the news every day
And nothing about poor people their lives not seen as important sad to say
Though news of the wealthy and famous has become rather boring to me
They are admired by the masses each to their own is how it seems to be

One More Doggerel

I am one with rhyme words who does love to play
And for me it has been one more doggerel day
And though my worth as a rhymer as ever i do doubt
There are no shortage of things for to write rhymes about

So Many For The Flag

So many for the flag of their Country in battles have died
In the war zones of death in Countries Worldwide
But when the Last Post is played for the one who died brave
The young soldier does not hear in the deep dark depths of the grave

We All Become Victims Of Time

Time that rusts steel and iron does weaken the strong
And the longest lived human life in time is not long
Human life is three score and ten years on average in time not a lengthy span
A few years more for a woman than it is for a man

Perhaps Never

Perhaps never more to climb on Clara when Summer sun is in the sky
And eat whortleberries from the heather on an evening in July
Or see the brown trout in clear Finnow pool spotted skins gleaming in the sunshine
What i only now can visualize in reality once was mine

As I Hope To Be Doing It

For many years i have been a rhyming buff
And i have written reams and reams of rhyming stuff
And since fame is not for those who write doggerel
Perhaps i am bound for the poetasters hell

To Most Politicians

To most politicians selfishness, greed and love of power to their egos is fuel
They have the mentality of the born to rule
That we give them the power and then of them complain
Is something that is way beyond me to explain

I Am Lucky In Life

I am lucky in life in truth i can say
In the very nice people i meet every day
People who to help others regularly go out of their way
Respect to them in words i only can pay

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